My my my how the hobby has changed

I entered the hobby about 6 or 7 years ago (didn't even know ASPD existed back then) for the same reasons I guess most guys do. There are many guys on this board who have forgotten more about the hobby than I will ever know. However, over the years I've notice many changes in the hobby, all for the better IMHO.

How many old dawgs out there remember when a lady would'nt DFK because she saved that for "her other life"--almost no exceptions back then. Today, almost all providers DFK and if they don't, it's a deal killer for many guys.

How many old dawgs out there remember when the only BJ you got was covered--almost no exceptions back then. Today, almost all providers give BBBJs and many allow CIM and swallow. Today, for many gents a CBJ is a deal killer.

How many old dawgs out there remember when you only got 1 shot on goal during the session--almost no exceptions back then unless there was an up charge. Today, almost all providers offer MSOG as part of their basic menu and for many guys, a single shot on goal is a deal killer.

I think the hobby has come a long way over the years, all for the better. It makes me wonder just how far we will go in the hobby over the next 6 or 7 years.

I would love to hear the views of other gents and ladies on this subject.

Are my observations correct or am I way out in leftfield somewhere?

MuffinMan's Avatar
Nice post, Des. I've been hobbying for almost 30 years now, and I have to say I've seen a lot. I've seen elegant ladies and courtesans, I've seen hooker-whores and streetwalkers.... But, in all those years I have only seen 3 CBJ's. Which leads me to the following question: Des....who in the Hell has been sucking YOUR dick?? LOL

I've seen the one shot and out the door and one shot and cuddle or talk till the hour's done, but neither has been a problem to me. I'm usually good for one GOOD round. As a matter of fact, the only little gal that has ever pulled two out of me in an hour will be here Fri and Sat. (check the ads)

In the late 90's and early 2000's when money was a little more plentiful and true old school providers were practicing their arts, I spent more that usual per hr, but the clock was never in the room. A one hr appt would last 2+ and a 2hr session was discounted to $$$$$ and ran maybe 3-4 BCD with dinner in between.

As far as today's hobbying goes...It's all in what you make it. Do your homework, read, look a lot, and choose wisely about how you spend your hobby dollars. BUT, most of all..hobby all you can and HAVE FUN....Leave the drama at home!
DallasRain's Avatar
Good post & good points!!!

I have been providing on & off for over 15 years{started way back for a service before the internet}....It has come A LONG WAY!!! your points are very valid! Girls now days are more open minded and are more apt to branch out in their options....the hobby now is what it should be{except for a little drama on the boards & a few scams here and there}

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Back when a hoe was a hoe
and coke was a coke
and crack 's you was doin
when you was crackin jokes

back when a screw was a screw
and wind was all that blew
and when you said, "I'm down with that"
that meant you had the flu

I miss back when....

I'm just funnin. And trust me Tim McGraw don't want me sanging his sawngs.

DallasRain's Avatar
lol---Horn you are a riot babe!!

Tell ya what...times have mom{who is 78} told me last year she got a new job as an "escort".....That is the title the govt gave her to run elderly people on their errands!! lol!!
{talk about the apple falling not far from the tree.....I also take elderly people for a}!!!
I remember when FUR was the norm and shaved was rare. I'm hoping for a comeback, not a full bush but a nice size landing strip.
Guys, Dallas, thanks for adding to the thread. All have great and funny points.

MM, as for who I was paying to suck my cock 6-7 years ago, I can only say obviously the wrong ladies--lol.
DallasRain's Avatar
GuestAccount --are the "right" girls doing it now??? lol!!!
Yes, they are, I'm happy to report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm not going back to the way it was!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragon_inc's Avatar
rpmsouth!!! NO don't bring the fur back plz... No to the Buckwheat in a headlock. It is much better eating on a clean plate. Ok I can agree with a little fuzzz on the top but bare lips are much better for DATY. Just one Dragons thoughts.
Dragon, I concur.

I much prefer a clean plate over a full bush for DATY everytime. Well groomed kitties are fine too. But when it comes to going down on a lady, I don't want anything getting between my lips and hers!!!!!

DallasRain's Avatar
purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrr
  • MrGiz
  • 04-15-2010, 06:11 PM
I'm with MM.... I don't remember CBJ's ever becoming so popular (yeah, right!) until around 6 or 7 yrs ago.... it must be Desperado's fault!

But I do have to agree with Des, that there seems to be more CIM girls available these days.... which is a gift from Heaven!

The One Shot girls have always been around.... but usually not in the Upper Tier of preferred ones on my list. As long as there are agency girls transitioning into the Indy world... I think we'll continue to see the One Shot girls around.

As far as DFK goes.... in my experience.... not a whole lot has changed.... there is still a significant number of girls who prefer to not go real Deep with kissing.... they aren't on my Upper Shelf either.

Is The Hobby as filled with Quality as it used to be? I don't know! It's "bigger" these days... with more players than ever on both sides (CL & BP).... maybe the larger numbers involved make it sometimes seem like there is not quite as much Top Shelf Talent out there. Because it has grown so much, I think it's probably only natural that there are more average to below average experiences out there.

As always.... good research pays off.... we still have more High Quality Pussy available , than Giz can clear from his list!! And that's a Good Thing!!

I Luv all of you girls, simply for being here!

Dragon. I agree with you. I don't want a full blown furry critter, just a nice triangle or landing strip above the lips. especially if the lady is a natural blonde or redhead. It just make them look more womanly and not like a pre teeny bopper. Ilike my ladies to be more mature and experienced..
Giz, you and DES are right, it seems more are offering CIM than ever before.
Dragon_inc's Avatar
This seems like a good place to ask.... What the f**K is GFE??? everone seems to have a different defenition of the act. Hell if the Girlfirend, SO, Wife ect. was putting out what was wanted then there would be no hobbing. So each person has what they would wish the perfect GFE experance to be. So Shreveport plz don't get into the Dallas habbit of saying " she was GFE" and that is all for a discripton.