With this being the season of award shows, I thought it might be fun and interesting to hand out some ATF awards and see who is everyone's ATF in particular categories. Here's mine:
Best GFE - Shelly (Buffalo): cute as a button, fun, passionate, educated, really makes you feel special
Best MILF Experience - Jewel (Buffalo): I haven't seen or heard from her in quite awhile, but boy she was fun. Spinner body, all the right moves.
Best PSE - Taylor (aka Kasey27/Alissa): Great body, awesome look, likes to try everything, even puts onporn movies and imitates the action to make you part of the show.
Personal "to meet" list - top three providers I have not had the pleasure of meeting, but am working on it (based on reviews and email conversations):
1. ChristinaDoll (next week I hope )
2. Amber 1198
3. Anita Germane
I'm sure there are other categories out there...let's have some fun.