Early Morning Availability

Just wanted to let you gents know that I'll be offering much earlier availability in the mornings, starting in about 2 weeks.

I used to not be available until after 9 a.m., and I am moving the time to 7 a.m.! Naturally, I would hope to have a little advance notice, though.

I've heard many times on this board that guys really enjoy early morning sessions...guess we'll see if that's true. lol

Sweet kisses,
Hi! Is that early morning time working well for you? I wish a few more would be early risers because it is convenient to be a little late for work. And of course there is nothing better than starting out the day with a bang. I hope you are still keeping these hours for when I make it to Wichita on a future business trip. XOXOX
Truckman1's Avatar
I also like the morning
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I would put that information in your ads because there really is a "want" for early morning adventures.

For a very long time, in Dallas, I used to have a few regulars that would visit with me early in the morning. It really got the day off to a great start for BOTH of us!!!

But I would always ask for them to make the arrangements at least the day before so that I could be perfectly ready.

Wish I could find a few men who enjoyed an early morning tryst these days.



I would put that information in your ads because there really is a "want" for early morning adventures.

For a very long time, in Dallas, I used to have a few regulars that would visit with me early in the morning. It really got the day off to a great start for BOTH of us!!!

But I would always ask for them to make the arrangements at least the day before so that I could be perfectly ready.

Wish I could find a few men who enjoyed an early morning tryst these days.


Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Same here! I LOVE early morning appts! I just like them to be set the night before so I will be prepared!
8:30 breakfast (with reservations, of course) is usually perfect!
Guest012814's Avatar
Same here! I LOVE early morning appts! I just like them to be set the night before so I will be prepared! Originally Posted by DestinyInKC
How early is early? Is an appt at 6am-6:30am considered too early?
Nope, not if you contact me the day before to let me know!!
But if you don't schedule an early morning in advance my phone wont be turned on till 10am lol
Truckman1's Avatar
Good to know Destiny