Google Voice Warning...

ElumEno's Avatar
As a hobbyist I have been using google voice as my hobby number... up until a week are so ago it has been great.

Just install and uninstall the app when needed.

Well I fucked up and had an incoming call and instead of hitting ignore I hit send to voice mail.
Well it had a glitch and sent it to my real voice mail that gave my full name and real number.

This evening my wife got a text on her phone telling her that she needs to check out this site and pay close attention to this screen name.
Now I was lucky enough to intercept it this time... but I am sure that it will be sent again.

So this is my good bye, wish I could say that it was all fun but I can't.
Never was one to play the mind fuck games that some on here like to play and now it might have cost me everything.

There is a saying that there is nothing worse then a woman scorned... well they have not seen what it is like when a man has nothing left to lose.
KARMA IS A BITCH and right now that bitch just might end up being my wife.
dirty dog's Avatar
As a hobbyist I have been using google voice as my hobby number... up until a week are so ago it has been great.

Just install and uninstall the app when needed.

Well I fucked up and had an incoming call and instead of hitting ignore I hit send to voice mail.
Well it had a glitch and sent it to my real voice mail that gave my full name and real number.

This evening my wife got a text on her phone telling her that she needs to check out this site and pay close attention to this screen name.
Now I was lucky enough to intercept it this time... but I am sure that it will be sent again.

So this is my good bye, wish I could say that it was all fun but I can't.
Never was one to play the mind fuck games that some on here like to play and now it might have cost me everything.

There is a saying that there is nothing worse then a woman scorned... well they have not seen what it is like when a man has nothing left to lose.
KARMA IS A BITCH and right now that bitch just might end up being my wife. Originally Posted by Guest082213

Hell bro if it didn't use your name then when it comes in flip it around on her and ask her what the hell she has been doing. Play this right you might get some at home.
That's despicable.
I don't know what is going on in KC lately...
I hope everything works out for you. I like you
Oh damn. You will be missed!
MisterSir's Avatar
Who was that masked man?
Who was that masked man? Originally Posted by MisterSir

Actually, was wondering the same thing, as his name is guested now. Looking at the list of reviews, though, I have some suspicions. Whoever it is/was, sorry to see you go. This is one of the perils we face when we play behind our SO's collective backs. Got to be prepared for the consequences. Take care...
As a hobbyist I have been using google voice as my hobby number... up until a week are so ago it has been great.

Just install and uninstall the app when needed.

Well I fucked up and had an incoming call and instead of hitting ignore I hit send to voice mail.
Well it had a glitch and sent it to my real voice mail that gave my full name and real number.

This evening my wife got a text on her phone telling her that she needs to check out this site and pay close attention to this screen name.
Now I was lucky enough to intercept it this time... but I am sure that it will be sent again.

So this is my good bye, wish I could say that it was all fun but I can't.
Never was one to play the mind fuck games that some on here like to play and now it might have cost me everything.

There is a saying that there is nothing worse then a woman scorned... well they have not seen what it is like when a man has nothing left to lose.
KARMA IS A BITCH and right now that bitch just might end up being my wife. Originally Posted by Guest082213
I was thinking of letting my hobby phone expire and was going to check out GV.....not now! Thanks and hope it all works out for you in the end.

I am a little confused though. So the person calling you on GV who accidenally got your real phone # somehow got your wife's # and ratted you out? Was it a provider we should steer clear of?
KCQuestor's Avatar
Just be aware that your account may be guested, but your name is still featured in people's posts. You aren't in the clear if someone really wants to tie you to a screen name.

I too am curious about how the caller got your wife's phone number. Although I suppose with a real name it isn't too hard to find out personal details. More important for us would be the name of the person who outed you.

Sorry this happened to you. Good luck with the wife.
Anyone who is capable of outing one person will most likely do it again. So, that person is a danger to the community. Would be helpful to know who it is.
Whizman's Avatar
Anyone who is capable of outing one person will most likely do it again. So, that person is a danger to the community. Would be helpful to know who it is. Originally Posted by MsElena
Can you say blackmail.....Is it possible to pull up the callers phone number on the google voice. I assume he may know who it is.
Man, I am really sorry this happened to you!! Hope everything turns out good. Last year we put my truck on sale and we bought a burner phone for doing stuff like that. Most of the time it sits in my desk and isnt charged. When I hobby I buy minutes and activate. I delete all history and phone numbers, yank the sim card just to be sure. You can never be too careful.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Side note, does anybody else list their full name and number on their voicemail? I don't. I can assume you know my name and number if you are calling me. I certainly don't spell it out for any 'wrong numbers' or in this case, forwarded calls. I don't want to kick the dude but damn, don't make it easier on someone. Even with someone's real name and phone number though, how the hell does the caller find an SO's name and phone number? I know there are ways, but not commonly available ways. This seems to be someone that knew about his online stuff, had an ax to grind, AND could find the wife's phone number. That has to be a short list of people he really pissed off.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Can you say blackmail.....Is it possible to pull up the callers phone number on the google voice. I assume he may know who it is. Originally Posted by Whizman
I would assume he suspects someone VERY strongly. But tying the number back to a name and then matching with someone on here would be fairly impossible.
Anyone who is capable of outing one person will most likely do it again. So, that person is a danger to the community. Would be helpful to know who it is. Originally Posted by MsElena

Now, now MsE....this person is in the middle of a potentially explosive situation. Sending out more info out in the open forum could be suicidal to him.

And you assume that info has not been sent through back channels. Granted not everyone has access to back channels...but to expect him to throw gasoline onto fire, in the middle of a challenging situation???

Could your post have more to do, with another thread??

I will say this...given the nature of his situation, I do find it surprising that he would post this thread to begin with. As if a SO were on this site, connecting the dots would not
be that difficult.

But perhaps with background knowledge of this handle, and some of his recent troubles...he has sent out info to the guys out in the open, to the best he feels safe
To be fair, I didn't like google voice when I tried it. It does connect and disconnect itself whenever and for no reason, therefore giving out your actual phone info when a person calls. My personal phone vm message used to say "please leave a message for 316-xxx-xxxx". And when my stupid gv would disconnect (on its own) my personal phone number was released to whoever was calling and getting my vm. I refused to ever try it again.

The only thing that confuses me is, isn't hitting 'ignore' the same thing as 'sending to vm?'