It may be time to take your family out of New York City.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

A race war is about to start in New York City. Obama, the media, and the liberal elite are going to get what they wanted. Two policemen were ambushed and murdered execution style in a black neighborhood. It will be celebrated in black communities around the country because we know that "all cops are racist killers of young black men". The police will fight back and I think the mayor will go down in flames because he is predeposed to support who he thinks is the defenseless underdog. The city will rise up against him and demand a return to order. This will spread. How far and how much is yet to be determined. Obama will sit this out until things get worse (just like he does everything else) and then he will throw someone under the bus (starting to hate that phrase).
gfejunkie's Avatar
I knew it wouldn't be long until open season.


My advice... Buy more ammo.
You reap what you sow.
When you start letting the animals run the zoo, chaos will occur.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2014, 04:27 PM
He also shot his girlfriend and himself.

JD the police have no one to fight back against. Jesus, NYC is one of our safer cities and will stay that way. Your dream of a race war will have to wait.


This was the first article I read on this horrific shooting, and the very first thing that came to light for me, was no where in the article was it stated that 2 white police officers were gunned down by a black man. HMMMM every other effin article about Trayvon, or Ferguson, or the chockhold in Brooklyn was the poor unarmed black men, yea, I guess that shows us which way the pendulum swings in the Media bias game. They know where which side bread is buttered, The Liberal side.

I don't suspect there will be so much talk about this from Obama, Sharpton and Di Blasio, maybe they'll all go crawl under rock where they belong.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Your dream of a race war will have to wait. Originally Posted by WTF
That's not the race war I expect. I expect the Mexicans will get tired of being exploited by their home builders, and rise up against said oppressors.
or the chockhold in Brooklyn Originally Posted by Cherie
I think the term "choke hold" should be subject to the same scrutiny as the false "hands up, don't shoot" expression

In looking at the video of the take down of garner, while there may be valid criticisms of the event and certainly the outcome is lamentable, it could very possibly be the stress of his take down and arrest just set off his many lurking morbidities. A headlock is not a chokehold nor did I see direct force applied to his windpipe. Of course it would serve us all if we had a public clear cut analysis of the event by competent and fair professionals. I'm all for correct use of terms. i think chokehold, serving as shorthand for the cause of garners death, is feeding the lunatic frenzy.

From what i have seen, his complaints of not being able to breathe occurred while no arm was near his neck. Had he had to, lets say, dodge traffic while jay walking that day, the sudden exertion and excitement of scurrying across a street may have had the same affect as the takedown.
I B Hankering's Avatar
For the record, the names of the officers indicate they too each belonged to a minority group: Officer Wenjin Liu and Officer Raphael Ramos.

"The shooter — identified as Ismaaiyl Brinsley— boasted about wanting to murder cops in the hours before he ambushed the officers outside the Tompkins Houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant around 2:45 p.m. — around the same time Baltimore officers sent a wanted flier to the NYPD.

"'I’m Putting Wings On Pigs Today. They Take 1 Of Ours...Let’s Take 2 of Theirs,' Brinsley, 28, wrote on Instagram alongside a photo of a silver handgun.

"The killer, a reputed member of the gang 'Black Guerilla Family,' was later pronounced dead."
gfejunkie's Avatar
the police have no one to fight back against. Originally Posted by WTF
Sure they do...

Jesus, NYC is one of our safer cities Originally Posted by WTF
Not anymore it isn't.

Your dream of a race war will have to wait. Originally Posted by WTF
If you believe it hasn't started already you're not only a bigger dumb-ass than I thought you were you're a fucking fool.

Lock and load, people. Lock and load.

A race war is about to start in New York City. Obama, the media, and the liberal elite are going to get what they wanted. Two policemen were ambushed and murdered execution style in a black neighborhood. It will be celebrated in black communities around the country because we know that "all cops are racist killers of young black men". The police will fight back and I think the mayor will go down in flames because he is predeposed to support who he thinks is the defenseless underdog. The city will rise up against him and demand a return to order. This will spread. How far and how much is yet to be determined. Obama will sit this out until things get worse (just like he does everything else) and then he will throw someone under the bus (starting to hate that phrase). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I haven't been around much lately....but, has something happened to make you even more batshit fucking crazy than usual?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Has anyone on ECCIE authored as many racially-themed posts as JDIdiot? Over and over and over again?

Now come on, JDIdiot, call everyone else a racist. You are obsessed with race, dipshit.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's not about race. It's about killing cops.

I haven't heard Obaminable condemn the killing of the cops.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If WTF has been thinking that I have been ignoring him...he's right. I've had him on ignore for over a year and he has probably been patting himself on the back the entire time. However, someone clued me to what he posted earlier and what a disgusting piece of shit that he reminded us that he is. I'll add this, WTF is about as useful as a testicular sack on a castrated boar hog. Can't get much more useless than that.

The really offensive thing is WTF saying that I was looking forward to a race war... fucking idiot. Who wants a race war? Lets look at who was calling for dead cops; Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and the protesters that they stood if front of shouting that. Who has downplayed any violence, threatened or otherwise, against cops; Mayor Blasio, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Chris Mathews and Ed Schultz. There is your list of the unholy, demagogues and race baiters. The ones who revel in each death.

I request but don't expect an apology (he has no character) from WTF.
LexusLover's Avatar
I request but don't expect an apology (he has no character) from WTF. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Apparently he perceives "cops" to be a "race."
It's not about race. It's about killing cops.

I haven't heard Obaminable condemn the killing of the cops. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Can you believe it has been 18hrs since these police officers have been killed, no word from President Obama and if he really had any respect for these officers and laws of these United States of America, he would come back to the mainland and do what any respectable President should do, nah, on second thought, stay where you are, we don't need more of your race baiting, along with your cronies, Sharpton, Holder, DeBlasio. How quickly they all came out after the other events. So we sure know where their heart lies.

Besides wouldn't want our President who is "for all the people", (yea right)
to interrupt his fun vacation

Oh and someone please tell me why the media keeps saying one is Asian and one is Hispanic, I do understand that is fact but, when you are not educated and live off the taxpayers while listening to 'gangster rap' - they wouldn't know the difference between Asians and Hispanics - for them anything other than 'black' - is 'white'. So, lets kill 'whitey'! IMO that was this man's mindset.