What's up with the ladies.

Yesterday I messaged a couple of different ladies that had posted on her about getting together and never heard a single word from either one of them and still haven't. So I messaged another lady and the same thing. So why do these ladies post if they aren't going to respond to someone that wants to meet with them.
I never had this problem in Indianapolis.
I guess I will be going to Oklahoma City this weekend. I messaged 2 different ladies and both of them responded right away and both of them were very anxious to meet with me.
LetsGoRVing's Avatar
I Snapchat with a sexy ass provider from okc. Patiently waiting for her to tell me she is coming to kc. But in the meanwhile, the Snaps are awesome.
parkerplayer's Avatar
You have 9 posts and no reviews. No one knows who you are in ICT. ICT has become very cautious of late. Good luck! Maybe OKC is a little more open and less caution is needed.
Who is it? Might be interested to catch her as she travels through my area.