Ladies.... How would you handle this?

Petergriffin1980's Avatar
Ladies it would be great to get your insight on this topic. Like any other man I really enjoy a good bj... But it seems no matter how talented the lady it takes me a while to finish so my question is if a gentleman visits you for say 30 min specifically for that reason but has not finished the race in said time what is the protocol there?
ck1942's Avatar
Good question, sir.

Seems to me the lady should know well in advance that 30 minutes won't suffice and the gent should be prepared to compensate for significant additional time or book a solid hour. (Significant, to me imo, equals anything more than 5 to ten minutes.)

And, in these situations, obviously, a BnG situation should be avoided.
Perfect Playmate's Avatar
Sounds more like a question for the gentlemen... I mean when you book a lady you are booking her for her time... So if you reach your time and she did her part, yet your stamina out lasts your time... You should book longer...

Girls get bashed if a guy books an hour and gets the boot after he finishes in five minutes...

I am not like that of course, if you book an hour you are more then welcome to stay the hour... But you did book an hour...

Now if you book a half or an hour and you do not finish in time it is his decision...

Book more time or leave...

Of course this is just my opinion... Everyone will have their own...
Pay to play. Your GFE likes what she does, of course, and she does this for fun, but respect her mind and her time. We do this dangerous work mostly to get helped out with finances. She has only so much time to take this risk, make it worth her while since she is doing the same for you.

I like to spoil a Regular though, so I'm pretty cool about time. If you find a good gal who is super cool and you are both aware that you are always going over time you may want to tip well. Show her some love back. We like to maintain a "sweet and sexy" attitude but that is usually made sweeter if you continue to show gratitude yes monetarily.
Pay to play. Your GFE likes what she does, of course, and she does this for fun, but respect her mind and her time. We do this dangerous work mostly to get helped out with finances. She has only so much time to take this risk, make it worth her while since she is doing the same for you.

I like to spoil a Regular though, so I'm pretty cool about time. If you find a good gal who is super cool and you are both aware that you are always going over time you may want to tip well. Show her some love back. We like to maintain a "sweet and sexy" attitude but that is usually made sweeter if you continue to show gratitude yes monetarily. Originally Posted by Gorgeous_Boriqua
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-11-2016, 04:24 PM
Ladies it would be great to get your insight on this topic. Like any other man I really enjoy a good bj... But it seems no matter how talented the lady it takes me a while to finish so my question is if a gentleman visits you for say 30 min specifically for that reason but has not finished the race in said time what is the protocol there? Originally Posted by Petergriffin1980
Simple. Book and pay for say, an hour instead.

As hobbyists it is our responsibility to know how well we can perform within a given time frame. Dysfunctional "equipment" does not entitle you to free extra time.

As Dirty Harry once said...

"A man's got to know his limitations."
Dr Grey's Avatar
It's hard to say. Lot of different girls in how they handle their appointments. Make sure after screening you can be precise in your request if you need additional time so they can plan their day. Tough call as some might not accomdate such a request and can be awkward in the heat of the moment if lady has planned her day out for the gent after you. I usually play it safe as book an hour and see where it goes from there. As always, have additional funds if going OT.