Say I haven't seen you in 6-8 months...maybe a year or longer. Just curious what your cutoff is for telling another Provider "Ya, he's cool". Originally Posted by ProlongusGreat question. As a guy that really likes variety but only occasionally hobby, it's hard not to feel like I'm not overstaying my welcome on their "good to go" list.
A little different question is do you girls feel ok with giving a reference for a guy that saw you once a month ago? For a long time I've been a one & done guy but feel like providers don't particularly like this kind of customer (everyone in any business prefers regulars, but we're all still grateful for any $...this coming from a small business owner in a service type business) Originally Posted by nicholas linnearThe ones I've dealt with don't mind, a lot of them seem to prefer it. Dudes get attached and clingy, then start to develop the 'bought and payed for' mannerisms and get over familiar
If you haven't seen a lady in 6-8 months or longer, you have no reason to use her as a reference. Period. I will not give a reference that old and let the lady know. It seems shady to me that you'd try to use someone that you haven't seen in quite a while. Surely, you have recent references? I am curious as to WHY you guys do this? Originally Posted by Kendall4UI usually let my p411 profile and the OKs I have do the talking for me for references, which there is always at least 3-4 recent (within 3 months of the OK each provider has given me). But in your case for example, if I wanted to see you for a session, Laura Lynn, whom is your doubles partner, has given me an OK, and even though I have not seen her for a session in a while (longer than 6 months), In addition to the recent references, I would let you know that I have seen her for a couple of sessions.
I usually let my p411 profile and the OKs I have do the talking for me for references, which there is always at least 3-4 recent (within 3 months of the OK she gave me). But in your case for example, if I wanted to see you for a session, Laura Lynn, whom is your doubles partner, has given me an OK, and even though I have not seen her for a session in a while (longer than 6 months), I would let you know that I have seen her for a couple of sessions. Originally Posted by davidfree986
If it has been over a year,I will give the reference if I remember him...but tell the gal how long and tell her to use her judgement and try to get a more recent oneI'm with Dallas. I don't keep notes but if I remember you, I'll give you a reference if it's been over a year or two. But I'll also tell the lady that I haven't seen you in awhile.
{alot can happen in a year} Originally Posted by DallasRain
I don't think it is a hard and fast rule.
I just had a girl I haven't seen in 18 months vouch for me, I let her know in advance (I always let girls know when I use them for reference, I think is common courtesy). Every girl is different. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker