For the long will you give references for a client?

Say I haven't seen you in 6-8 months...maybe a year or longer. Just curious what your cutoff is for telling another Provider "Ya, he's cool".
RAMP's Avatar
  • RAMP
  • 09-09-2015, 08:45 AM
Say I haven't seen you in 6-8 months...maybe a year or longer. Just curious what your cutoff is for telling another Provider "Ya, he's cool". Originally Posted by Prolongus
Great question. As a guy that really likes variety but only occasionally hobby, it's hard not to feel like I'm not overstaying my welcome on their "good to go" list.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I don't feel comfy giving a ref that is more than 6 months old. Unless of course I've seen you dozens of times, than I would feel comfy up to a year old.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I don't feel comfy giving a ref that is more than 6 months old. Unless of course I've seen you dozens of times, than I would feel comfy up to a year old. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Yes i agree with kaylee...
If you haven't seen a lady in 6-8 months or longer, you have no reason to use her as a reference. Period. I will not give a reference that old and let the lady know. It seems shady to me that you'd try to use someone that you haven't seen in quite a while. Surely, you have recent references? I am curious as to WHY you guys do this?
If it's been awhile I'll say so in my reference and let the lady decide for herself.
A little different question is do you girls feel ok with giving a reference for a guy that saw you once a month ago? For a long time I've been a one & done guy but feel like providers don't particularly like this kind of customer (everyone in any business prefers regulars, but we're all still grateful for any $...this coming from a small business owner in a service type business)
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-09-2015, 10:23 AM
A little different question is do you girls feel ok with giving a reference for a guy that saw you once a month ago? For a long time I've been a one & done guy but feel like providers don't particularly like this kind of customer (everyone in any business prefers regulars, but we're all still grateful for any $...this coming from a small business owner in a service type business) Originally Posted by nicholas linnear
The ones I've dealt with don't mind, a lot of them seem to prefer it. Dudes get attached and clingy, then start to develop the 'bought and payed for' mannerisms and get over familiar
If you haven't seen a lady in 6-8 months or longer, you have no reason to use her as a reference. Period. I will not give a reference that old and let the lady know. It seems shady to me that you'd try to use someone that you haven't seen in quite a while. Surely, you have recent references? I am curious as to WHY you guys do this? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
I usually let my p411 profile and the OKs I have do the talking for me for references, which there is always at least 3-4 recent (within 3 months of the OK each provider has given me). But in your case for example, if I wanted to see you for a session, Laura Lynn, whom is your doubles partner, has given me an OK, and even though I have not seen her for a session in a while (longer than 6 months), In addition to the recent references, I would let you know that I have seen her for a couple of sessions.

If a guy does not have any recent references, then he can take a chance on giving you older ones and if you do not accept that, unless he finds one he wants to see that will, then he just has to start over with the newbie friendly ladies again.
DallasRain's Avatar
If it has been over a year,I will give the reference if I remember him...but tell the gal how long and tell her to use her judgement and try to get a more recent one

{alot can happen in a year}
I usually let my p411 profile and the OKs I have do the talking for me for references, which there is always at least 3-4 recent (within 3 months of the OK she gave me). But in your case for example, if I wanted to see you for a session, Laura Lynn, whom is your doubles partner, has given me an OK, and even though I have not seen her for a session in a while (longer than 6 months), I would let you know that I have seen her for a couple of sessions. Originally Posted by davidfree986

I actually prefer p411 just for this reason. Typically the okays are recent and I'm not hesitant to accept a request. I love when I can use my girl crush as a reference. Makes me feel that much more comfortable and excited about meeting
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I don't think it is a hard and fast rule.

I just had a girl I haven't seen in 18 months vouch for me, I let her know in advance (I always let girls know when I use them for reference, I think is common courtesy). Every girl is different.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Looks like I'll need to refresh some references!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
If it has been over a year,I will give the reference if I remember him...but tell the gal how long and tell her to use her judgement and try to get a more recent one

{alot can happen in a year} Originally Posted by DallasRain
I'm with Dallas. I don't keep notes but if I remember you, I'll give you a reference if it's been over a year or two. But I'll also tell the lady that I haven't seen you in awhile.

I think because I'm good with giving references, that a lot of guys like to use me FOR references. Sometimes, when I haven't seen someone in a couple of years, and he's giving my name to several ladies, it can get very annoying.

But that is the exception and certainly not the norm.

Most ladies will have a cut off of 3 or 5 months. I just kindof go with what I'm feeling at the moment. People DO change but most do not.

I figure if a guy was nice/fun/decent/clean last year, he'll probably not go psycho this one. Guess there are always exceptions.

I don't think it is a hard and fast rule.

I just had a girl I haven't seen in 18 months vouch for me, I let her know in advance (I always let girls know when I use them for reference, I think is common courtesy). Every girl is different. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker

Ive seen you way more recent than that !!! I would give you a reference anytime you need hun. I know im not around much , but i will.

And to answer the reference question : I will also verify him if i can confirm our history, but will let them know how long its been.