Firefox posting problems

Is anybody else having problems posting or sending PMs with Firefox. This has been going on for several weeks now. I am running Windows 7 and Firefox 15.0.1 The last few reviews and this posting have been made with Internet Explorer, which I hate. Here is an e-mail I sent out on 9-8-12:

Dear Eccie,

My username is pocketrocket69. I post in the Alabama forum. Are you guys having problems with your site? Every time I have tried to post a reply to a thread or even preview my post today, I have gotten an error message. The error is "The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.". I don't know what is happening. The message box below is empty. What I had previously typed has vanished. I tried to send a PM to someone but I can't send a message because my subject and message field items also disappear. I get "Please complete both the subject and message fields." Thanks.


I then got this response:

This should be an easy fix. Give the following a try and let me know:

• Clear all your browser cookies
• Close your browser
• Re-open and login again
• Always be sure to click remember me at login
• If you do the above and still experience problems logging in and staying logged in, be sure you are not using a private browsing mode as they can cause issues

That should get you all set again.


The above solution did not work. I don't know if something with this latest version of Firefox doesn't play nice with Eccie. I have always used Firefox on all of my eccie postings before. Thanks.

If Johnnybax doesn't know, I sure don't. I use Google Chrome for browsing ECCIE.
I've had that problem in the past. If you use the actual buttons instead of the quick reply, it works. Mine was broken after a Firefox upgrade, but the next upgrade fixed it.