Post Gazette - Brain Damaged Fetterman needs to release his medical records

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Further delays in scheduling a debate between U.S. Senate candidates John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz have raised more questions about Mr. Fetterman’s health, including his ability to communicate and process information. He has increased his public appearances, but his speech remains halting, and he repeats key phrases like mantras.

To reassure the public, Mr. Fetterman ought to release the full results of his cognitive tests and other medical records, and make his doctors available to the media. Mr. Oz should release his medical records, too.

So far, Mr. Fetterman’s campaign has reported a specific (and normal) score from his July Saint Louis University Mental Status Examination (SLUMS), but has said only that his more recent Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) test was “in the normal range.” The RBANS test results in distinct scores in five areas: immediate memory, visuospatial/constructional, language, attention and delayed memory. The campaign should tell voters how Mr. Fetterman performed in each category.

Meantime, the Fetterman campaign should step up efforts to debate Mr. Oz. It’s another way of demonstrating he’s up to the job. Instead, Mr. Fetterman’s campaign has argued U.S. Senate debates in Pennsylvania typically occur in mid- to late-October, but that was before the days of mail-in voting. The campaign also argues more than 80% of votes tend to be cast in the last two weeks, but that leaves nearly one in five voters out of the loop.

That’s not good enough.

It’s understandable that Mr. Fetterman hasn’t rushed to debate Mr. Oz, who was a television celebrity long before he was a political candidate. He’s telegenic and completely comfortable before a camera.

Voters, however, don’t expect a perfect performance from Mr. Fetterman. They understand he is still recovering from a serious medical condition. They’ll cut him some slack, if he’s transparent about his health.

Last week, Mr. Fetterman’s campaign agreed to a debate, broadcast statewide, on Oct. 25, two weeks before Election Day, with accommodations for the “auditory processing” symptoms from his May stroke. Mr. Oz’s campaign agreed to those accommodations, but asked for the debate to be extended from 60 to 90 minutes, due to the delays those changes will cause. Mr. Fetterman’s campaign immediately rejected the longer format.

A 30-minute difference should not scuttle the only opportunity for voters to see the candidates together. One compromise would be to limit debates to 60-minutes but conduct two of them instead of one.

Mr. Oz and Mr. Fetterman should release their medical records and set the debates now. Then talk about the issues that matter most to the people of Pennsylvania.
eyecu2's Avatar
All records should be REQUIRED from candidates. Medical, taxes and investments. You know to mitigate conflicts of interest or hidden bone spurs or other medical ailments
berryberry's Avatar
Why won't Sloth Fetterman release his medical records?
berryberry's Avatar
Oz released his medical records

Brain damaged Sloth Fetterman did not respond

berryberry's Avatar
Still no medical records from Brain Damaged Sloth Fetterman

Even MSNBC is calling him out - "Eugene Daniels: “Fetterman wasn’t all the way truthful about how bad his health was.”

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Obviously he’s fucked up from the stroke, but wtf is that alien looking thing growing out of his neck that he’s always trying to conceal?
berryberry's Avatar
Sloth Fetterman Deflects After Media Call for Him to Release Medical Records

The Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, continues to withhold his medical records after multiple calls from local and national media to release them.

Fetterman suffered a serious stroke in May, days before winning the Democrat primary, and has struggled with his words during public appearances since. The candidate has acknowledged that he has “auditory processing” issues, and due to this, Fetterman said he “might miss a word every now and then” or he “might mush two together.”

The Washington Post Editorial Board called on Fetterman to make public his medical records earlier this month. On Wednesday, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Board did the same and pressed him to release the complete results of a cognitive test he recently took.
The day after the Post-Gazzette’s article, Oz received a physical from Dr. Rebecca J. Kurth M.D., ,P.C., and released the results Friday in a letter.

“In summary, Mehmet, you are in overall EXCELLENT health. Your examination is healthy, and the blood tests are all favorable,” wrote the doctor. Kurth reported his blood pressure as being 102/70 and provided a thorough and detailed analysis of the 62-year-old’s health history, including some past lumbar problems, knee cartilage issues, and the removal of a few colonic polyps over the past 11 years. Oz also provided an EKG from the visit, polyp pathology results from 2011, and letters from checkups in 2014 and 2018.

After Oz made the records public Friday, Fetterman chimed in to attack him rather than releasing his own records as the Washington Post and Pittsburgh Post Gazette called on him to do.
Fetterman’s campaign did not respond to NBC Philadelphia when asked if he would release his records.
berryberry's Avatar
Sloth Fetterman is so mentally shot that he makes Senile Biden look like a Rhodes scholar

Democrat John Fetterman: “The Eagles are so much better ... than the Eagles!”

berryberry's Avatar
PA newsmakers - Harrisburg: "He [Fetterman] hasn't really sat down with reporters in a wide-open format. He hasn't released anything that I'm aware of from his doctors other than a cognitive terms of the after effects of the stroke."
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
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Today's Tribune Review

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Hey now

Cook Political Rating Changes

PA-Sen: Lean D ---> TOSS-UP
berryberry's Avatar
We are 22 days away from Election Day, and Brain Damaged Racist Fetterman STILL refuses to release his medical records.