Former Philly Democrat Deputy Mayor Endorses Dr Oz For Senate, Citing Public Safety - Racist Fetterman's policies will make crime much worse

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Prominent Democrat Politicians are even abandoning Racist Fetterman now

Even ahead of the upcoming Nov 8 midterm elections, rampant crime is already taking a toll on Democratic candidates. Now, some of the damage is being inflicted by members of their own party.

That dynamic was underscored on Friday when Philadelphia Democrat Tom Knox endorsed Republican senatorial candidate Mehmet Oz in the tightly-contested race for U.S. Senate pitting Oz against Democrat John Fetterman.

"I am a lifelong Democrat," said Knox. "I have met with John Fetterman, and I personally like him. But I am sad to say, as a resident of Philadelphia, that our city has become increasingly dangerous, and John Fetterman's policies on crime will make things much worse."

Knox is a former deputy mayor of Philadelphia under prominent Democrat Ed Rendell. He's since run for the mayor's office himself, as well as the governor's mansion.

"I love Philadelphia, and I am saddened by what is happening to it," said Knox. "I am encouraging Democrats who share my concerns with Fetterman's long-standing policies to put party affiliation aside and support Dr. Oz for U.S. Senate. Dr. Oz is smart, hard working, and a man of integrity who will work tirelessly to make our streets and city safe once again."
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Here's a supercut of #PASen candidate Racist John Fetterman (D) advocating for releasing 1/3 of the convicted felons in prison back onto the streets of Pennsylvania.

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And here is a profile by LIBERAL VOX calling out Racist John Fetterman for his love of criminals, brain damage and hatred of American energy independence

"He can't draw a clock, he wants murderers released & he wants to kill fracking but he wears hoodies" is perhaps the most brutal yet accurate takedown of John Fetterman (D) yet.

When the front page of LIBERAL Vox owned New York magazine is saying this about a Democrat then you know its really fucking bad

But hey I am sure the usual suspects will try to pretend all is fine and make excuses for this article too - just like they made excuses for his multiple racist acts

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Racist Fetterman’s record on crime is “almost cartoonishly weak.”

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Just SOME of the murders Racist Fetterman voted to put back out on the streets so they could commit more heinous crimes:

John Brookins, who stabbed a woman to death with scissors.

Wayne Covington, who shot and killed a teenager for money to buy ********

Raymond Johnson, who refers to himself as “a son of the devil,” who violently murdered a man and disposed of his body.

Charles Goldblum, who stabbed a man 26 times with garden shears.

How soon before the usual suspects try to make excuses for Racist Fetterman on this issue?