194% APR on a loan?

Marcus78's Avatar
While watching a little T.V. today, I saw about 5 Western Sky loan advertisements. You know the ones; they have an Indian talking with drums in the background with him explaining that the money isn't cheap, but its your only hope in a time of crisis or some B.S. like that.

Well, I went to their website out of curiosity. I was expecting to find a high interest rate, say something like 25%, with a high loan fee attached. But 194% APR???? Who in their right mind would even consider that? That's on top of a $500.00 loan fee. I thought it was a typographical error, but apparently not. If you take all 47 payments on the $2,500.00 loan, (only a $75 loan fee and a much more reasonable 139% APR) you will owe close to $14,000 dollars! You give up $500.00 in loan fess on a $1,500.00 loan before you even see a nickel in your pocket. I found this amazing and shocking on so many levels. I guess I am easy to entertain!
this is a teepee
for you to peepee
and not a wigwam
to beat your tomtom

(from the drums in the background....)
JusticeMutt's Avatar
I especially like the BOLD print about how they reserve the right to change the fees & loan products without notice...some people will never learn huh

But to some desperate folks, they will get a loan without even thinking about paying it back
Rakhir's Avatar
I have seen those types of load rates as well. How come they're not illegal I wonder? That's basically loan sharking and under Texas law considered usury which is highly illegal. I wonder how they are getting away with it?
oldtiger's Avatar
Getting it back from the White Man one loan at a time.....
Doglegg's Avatar
Being the lender is of the Native American Nation, some rules do not apply, especially Texas. Same for gambling.

There is a disclaimer on the commercial.

Oh to be more than .0625 and able to claim my percentage of the income.
Aftershock's Avatar
Getting it back from the White Man one loan at a time..... Originally Posted by oldtiger

I had a simalar thought but didnt wanna get flamed for it lol. Put that idea on a t-shirt
pyramider's Avatar
They can get away with it same way Native Americans can take product onto the Reservation on a demo and keep it.
While watching a little T.V. today, I saw about 5 Western Sky loan advertisements. You know the ones; they have an Indian talking with drums in the background with him explaining that the money isn't cheap, but its your only hope in a time of crisis or some B.S. like that.

Well, I went to their website out of curiosity. I was expecting to find a high interest rate, say something like 25%, with a high loan fee attached. But 194% APR???? Who in their right mind would even consider that? That's on top of a $500.00 loan fee. I thought it was a typographical error, but apparently not. If you take all 47 payments on the $2,500.00 loan, (only a $75 loan fee and a much more reasonable 139% APR) you will owe close to $14,000 dollars! You give up $500.00 in loan fess on a $1,500.00 loan before you even see a nickel in your pocket. I found this amazing and shocking on so many levels. I guess I am easy to entertain! Originally Posted by Marcus78
That beats the 89.99% APR credit card I read about the other day.

My opinion...it's free commerce. Nobody FORCES anybody to sign that contract, and I don't believe it's the government's place to step between a contract between a person and a business, or two individuals for that matter..... Next before you know it they'll put restrictions on turning sex into business or telling you that you can't have sex with a person under certain circumstances.......wait...... darn, they're already doing that!