Trump's Accomplishments

In 1917, Woodrow Wilson failed to contain the spread of a pandemic.

In 1929, Herbert Hoover presided over a robust economy suddenly going south and turning into a deep depression.

In 1965-1968, Lyndon Johnson presided over numerous race riots.

In 1868, Andrew Johnson was impeached. Bill Clinton was also impeached in 1998.

Trump has accomplished all of the above in less than 1 year. Quite a remarkable achievement actually.

And you guys all thought he hasn't really done anything.
Lapdog's Avatar
Thanks Jam. And all this time I didn't think he'd accomplished shit. My hero.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
In 1917, Woodrow Wilson failed to contain the spread of a pandemic.

In 1929, Herbert Hoover presided over a robust economy suddenly going south and turning into a deep depression.

In 1965-1968, Lyndon Johnson presided over numerous race riots.

In 1868, Andrew Johnson was impeached. Bill Clinton was also impeached in 1998.

Trump has accomplished all of the above in less than 1 year. Quite a remarkable achievement actually.

And you guys all thought he hasn't really done anything. Originally Posted by Jam3768
i gave you one like. because it's the funniest post here today. and not in the way you think.

thank yous hilarious poster.
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2020, 04:21 PM
Another brainwashed marxist DPST poster spewing XiNN propaganda.
Such a shame for the poster.

Condemned to never think for Oneself.
Hopefully the trump family cartel will have another accomplishment. The only dad n children evicted from the real Americans white house in hand cuffs. With the Barr dog lol. Fun stuff
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2020, 04:29 PM
ts - for a crime family - the Bidens have a peer only among the D'Alessandrios.
and the Bidens in Ukraine adn China.

But - you wouldn't know anything about that on a diet of XiNN - would You???
Twit head tried to withhold funding for info on Biden. How did that work out. The Senate said it's ok Donny please don't be mean to me. I sold my balls to lobbies so i could be reelected and fuk the real Americans
Twit head tried to withhold funding for info on Biden. How did that work out. The Senate said it's ok Donny please don't be mean to me. I sold my balls to lobbies so i could be reelected and keep fukn the real Americans
HoeHummer's Avatar
ts - for a crime family - the Bidens have a peer only among the D'Alessandrios.
and the Bidens in Ukraine adn China.

But - you wouldn't know anything about that on a diet of XiNN - would You??? Originally Posted by oeb11
Thank yous eloquent poster!

winn dixie's Avatar
Is this a benghazi or email thread?
winn dixie's Avatar
Or is this about how the dims covered up touchy joe and sons' crimes with the impeachment hearings?
The Senate refused to have an impeachment hearing.
winn dixie's Avatar
The Senate refused to have an impeachment hearing. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
It was the house led by pussolinni and her cronnies that helped bitten with the cover-up!

Heres your sign....
HedonistForever's Avatar
The Senate refused to have an impeachment hearing. Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Just following Pelosi's admonishment that there should be no impeachment without bi-partisan support. The only bi-partisan support was when a couple of Democrats joined Republicans in voting no to impeachment.

Rules Committee held a hearing to write the rules governing the debate over
on December 17. The first of three
was on the rules governing debate: 228 to 197, with all Republicans and two Democrats
Excuse me dumb fucks. Go get a dictionary and look up the word "impeachment." And don't come back like Les Nesman saying it is "The act of impeaching. To impeach."

I am surrounded by morons here. What a surprise