As promised: Slavery good or bad?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now you can discuss all aspects to your hearts contentment.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another race baiting thread, JDIdiot?

Say it isn't so!

Wait a second... Didn't you already post another race baiting thread?

IBIdiot, what do YOU think? After all, this thread is an invitation for you to tap dance for us all.

No YOU are.

No YOU are.

No YOU are.

OK, your turn.

Hisa Doody!
slavery (the state of being in)-required submission to a dominating influence

Obama's America?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
slavery (the state of being in)-required submission to a dominating influence

Obama's America? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
You are free to leave.
You are free to leave. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm involved in a reclamation project
IB thinks everyone should own a couple.
I B Hankering's Avatar
IB thinks everyone should own a couple. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Your "couple of boyfriends" own you, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.

They are your boyfriends, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Another race baiting thread, JDIdiot?

Say it isn't so!

Wait a second... Didn't you already post another race baiting thread?

IBIdiot, what do YOU think? After all, this thread is an invitation for you to tap dance for us all.

No YOU are.

No YOU are.

No YOU are.

OK, your turn.

Hisa Doody!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-08-2015, 11:33 AM
Slavery is morally wrong. It always has been. Justifying it by saying "everyone's doing it" is the moral equivalent to "just following orders" at Auschwitz.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep. But we've heard that argument in one form or another from various members of the Idiot Klan, err, Clan for some time now.

I wonder why JDIdiot chose to revvive this tired and passé discussion yet again?

Maybe because he wants to call people racist again!

We're only a couple idiots shy of a quorum of the usual suspects, and this is only post 9.


Now comes the part where IBIdiot starts a "I'll get the last word in" rant that will take this O SO IMPORTANT thread into the land of chicken dicks and goofy juice!
Your "couple of boyfriends" own you, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Looks like a forbidden subject to me IB, whatta do you think?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't you think that comparing everything to Auschwitz is a bit over the top OT? Slavery can be supported by the Bible and general practice up until the late 18th century. Then slavery became part of business practices with company stores, labor contracts, and support by local authorities (chain gangs and the like). When you argue the Holocaust you talking about an aberration that went against hundreds of years of laws and practice. The slavery as practices by so many nations and cultures was in keeping with those laws and practice. It was the abolition of slavery that was against the norm until it became the norm. The Holocaust was never the norm which is why so much of the world recoiled when it was discovered. I wish the same disgust would register over the millions starved and murdered by communism and the tens of thousands (so far) murdered by radical Islam.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Looks like a forbidden subject to me IB, whatta do you think? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That wasn't your opinion the first time your boyfriends were mentioned, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.

They are your boyfriends, Stumpy the Inbred Chimp.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Don't you think that comparing everything to Auschwitz is a bit over the top OT? Slavery can be supported by the Bible and general practice up until the late 18th century. Then slavery became part of business practices with company stores, labor contracts, and support by local authorities (chain gangs and the like). When you argue the Holocaust you talking about an aberration that went against hundreds of years of laws and practice. The slavery as practices by so many nations and cultures was in keeping with those laws and practice. It was the abolition of slavery that was against the norm until it became the norm. The Holocaust was never the norm which is why so much of the world recoiled when it was discovered. I wish the same disgust would register over the millions starved and murdered by communism and the tens of thousands (so far) murdered by radical Islam. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeah, because before the holocaust man had never been inhuman to his fellow man. The holocaust wasn't even the first genocide of the 20th century. Do a little research. Hint; look up the Congo and Turkey. Slavery can't be supported by shit. You can use those things to try and support it but that doesn't make it right.
I don't think America would exist without slavery. The slaves built this country and gave Americans the leg up it now enjoys today.

Sorry to post this but it's needed. ;-)

I B Hankering's Avatar
I don't think America would exist without slavery. The slaves built this country and gave Americans the leg up it now enjoys today.

Sorry to post this but it's needed. ;-)
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The major problem with that bogus little theory, zany, is that every major society in the 15th and 16th centuries utilized slave labor; including those in Africa. So, zany, how can less than 2% of the African slave trade coming to what would become these United States give these United States a leg-up on any and every other society of that period utilizing slave labor? 'Splain that little hole in your theory, zany.