Can the ladies see the ROS ?

Just curious. I’m not sure how candid i want to be.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Yes. 99% of the ladies have mandles, or has a guy convinced that if he leaks ROS, he'll get special perks. Guess what, he doesn't.
TinMan's Avatar
That’s a bit of an overstatement, but it is true that you need to be prepared for backlash if the lady finds out what you wrote. Personally, I’ve only had one lady admit to me she read something I had written in ROS. There are negative repercussions if they admit such a thing, so if they do find out they best not confront the guy.

Here’s the other thing I suggest: be factual, and don’t use demeaning language when reporting something negative. I think the reason I’ve not received flak for things I’ve said in a review is that I’m careful what I say and how I say it.
Your candidness may be interpreted as bullshit to her. Or to her White Knights. Just write it like Tinman suggested. Be prepared for fallout (it goes with negative and positive reviews).
99% of the ladies don’t have mandles. Having the knowledge from one of the private areas isn’t a violation in itself it’s admitting you know it and talking about that eventually leads to a violation.

The same way things are leaked from ROS they are somehow leaked from the ladies area as well. In fact there are men here on this website controlling/running a woman’s account and that is another way things get revealed as well as just people with loose lips in general . No secrets in this hobby dear.

It’s not what you say sometimes it’s how is said . Certainly a way to get your point across truthfully without ,like Tinman stated , being demeaning or disrespectful.

As a general guideline here ladies can’t see ROS . Sometimes what gives the clues as to what has been said are the comments posted after a review. Or the lady just overall remembers the guy who wrote it and it’s not hard to put two and two together to make 4 .
Exactly. White Knight Syndrome.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Dudes controlling provider accounts, that's no surprise
The same way things are leaked from ROS they are somehow leaked from the ladies area as well. In fact there are men here on this website controlling/running a woman’s account and discussed at their weekly ROS meeting. and that is another way things get revealed as well as just people with loose lips in general . No secrets in this hobby dear. Originally Posted by Analeese

Analeese is correct. The mandle situation is not as rampant as in was in the past. There are different super secret ways to prevent and detect that, so it just is not common.

What is common is that dude screenshot or cut and paste things and show them to the girls. Some girls keep their mouths shut....some run them and admit to knowledge and get banned if they don't rat out the tattler.

But yes, most of the times, it is not what you say but the way you say it.

If you openly insult the girl and then make it worse in the ROS, you're going to get some WKs who show the girl the info.

Hell, years ago, on ASPD and maybe even here, I had some anon email guy who would screenshot every post that ever mentioned me and send them and I NEVER know who it was...
Pretty much every Dallas AMP of any importance has access to ROS. This is not exactly a state secret either.