Do registered guys here have an ECCIE ID? If so, where is it?
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Your ECCIE ID is under This Page,
after u=
Chung Tran's Avatar
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Your ECCIE ID is under This Page,
after u= Originally Posted by CG2014

#186590 checking in, Sir!

never knew that, just checked after seeing your post. the significance for me, is that my number approximately equals the speed of light, in miles per second. practically, though, it probably means the number of ECCIE posts I'm projected to make over my lifetime
I’m about 120,000 behind you, Chung. do they come up with these numbers? Maybe it’s assigned in order of joining, as in you were the 186,590th guy to join here...
Thanks, CG. You’re good for something after all! Lol...
Member # 178 checking in
corona's Avatar
It's just a record number for your account in the database.
So...wonder who’s 6969.
CG2014's Avatar
So...wonder who’s 6969. Originally Posted by Prolongus
Type it in and find out.

Your profile # is

Take just the

part and add any number you want to it starting with 1 is OWNER is TBONE is some guy called Scuba Jimmy is a gal named Fawn with over 5,300 posts

and so on and on
I know that I was on here probably within a few hours of this site coming up and Im like 86,000. Must be some random thing. What if you played your number in the lottery and won. Then they had you on the news asking how you picked your numbers LOL
I know that I was on here probably within a few hours of this site coming up and Im like 86,000. Must be some random thing. What if you played your number in the lottery and won. Then they had you on the news asking how you picked your numbers LOL Originally Posted by cage196
Fuck it, if I won the lottery, I would just say "ECCIE". I would be Mr. Moneybags after winning the lottery anyway, who cares what people think of me then LOL!
CG2014's Avatar
Or the other way to find user ID is to just put your mouse on anyone's name (or touch without opening while in a phone) and you will see the url with the #.

I know that I was on here probably within a few hours of this site coming up and Im like 86,000. Must be some random thing. What if you played your number in the lottery and won. Then they had you on the news asking how you picked your numbers LOL Originally Posted by cage196
You joined in 2011. ECCIE been around since 2009?
I know that I was on here probably within a few hours of this site coming up and Im like 86,000. Must be some random thing. What if you played your number in the lottery and won. Then they had you on the news asking how you picked your numbers LOL Originally Posted by cage196
When you change your handle, the old handle is deleted along with your start date, join date, member ID, reviews, etc. is also deleted. so, you start out NEW. your old account is now a guest account. If your a provider, the only trail is the posts of guy's that mentioned your name or wrote reviews. Reviews do NOT carry over to the new account. Note: if you match up a guest account with the new account, you will get a vacation. That is called OUTING.

What's my count?
Chung Tran's Avatar
What's my count? Originally Posted by tubby42