Should District Attorney Bob McCulloch Recuse Himself

He is the elected DA of the County, sworn to uphold the laws of the State and Constitution.

His Father was killed by a black man, in the line of duty. In the eyes of the Black Community, this makes it impossible for him to be impartial.

I think he should step down, bring in another Prosecutor, and let the evidence presented to the Grand Jury speak for it's self.

All of the evidence.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As prosecutor he works for ALL the people of the county and not just the people of Ferguson. He has been elected and reelected. The people have spoken! If he does something untoward leading up to and during the trial then take action. But you can't remove someone from office for a misperception, a racist misperception.

His father was killed 50 years ago. He has probably prosecuted black people before without the demand for him to recuse himself. The governor has the power, so let him do the dirty deed. The governor has already shown that he has taken sides. Let him finish the job or abusing an injuried cop and denying him his civil rights.