What photo style/poses do you find most appealing?

What kind would you like to see more of on a companion's website?

I've only had one pro shoot recently, but the majority were done
by friends & myself. The shoot was extremely fun, and got the creative juices going.

Besides obviously being accurate, what makes a pulse raising photograph?

I would love to do some homages to my favorite films in future shoots,
however, fear it would be considered too "cartoony" ?

Somebody emailed saying "chicks need to show more beaver!"....
I hope that isn't the general consensus. LoL

Also ladies, I'd like your feedback too...How do you feel most feminine/comfortable modeling? ( Outdoors? Candlelit room? etc)

Have a wonderful weekend from rainy FL
What a timely question, tayler! I was having a conversation just this week with a gentleman who said he liked seeing "different photos that didn't look like the gal was ready for a colonoscopy".

While the idea of that made me laugh, it made me think.

I, too, am going to have some photos taken (Hopefully next week!) and have no idea about poses. I've never done the professional deal either with the exception of a few photos that were taken at a social. I'm going to leave it up to my photographer.

We will seeeeeee......

MY answer to your question though, is to have poses similar to your avatar. I think it's VERY cute!
John Bull's Avatar
I like to see at least a few full length shots. Seeing close ups of boobs and butts doesn't really tell the whole story about body type and body type is very important to me.
I'm also not a gynocologist so spread shots don't do much for me either.
Face shots are nice but it's understandable when a lady doesn't choose to show her face.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
My choice as the ONE to avoid is a photo featuring the girl with her hands on a wall, mirror, or some other solid object, facing away from you with her butt prominently centered in the shot. Then, to make it more odious she bends both knees making her butt even more obvious. In my opinion not at all appealing

.....more like a photo of someone about to cop a squat
Don't attempt to hide imperfections. Give us a really fair representation of the body with which we will be, warts and all. When you attempt to hide those little imperfections, it feels like you are trying to scam us with someone else's body.

So, the shots where you attempt to hide a baby pooch don't do much for me. I only wonder: what else will she hide? However, hiding identifying marks/tattoos, etc. is OK in my book.
Aww Thanks VNurse! :-) I hope your shoot exceeds your expectations!
If you really want to feel like a princess, bring in a makeup/hair pro...It's sooo nice being spoiled in that way, everyone should do it once.
Also fun is going around online & making a folder of poses,
I googled ladies with a similar body type/complexion.

LMAO Chainsaw .... I might be guilty of this one.

So a mix of pro, candid, and casual shots that are accurate, and
keep naughty bits focusing to a minimum is a safe strategy.
SlowHand49's Avatar
Nice use of available light . . . carefully chosen lingerie . . . poses that still leave room for the imagination to wander . . . those are a few of the things that get my attention . . .

I think the idea of looking for photos of others that you like the style of can help in explaining to a photographer what you like, or the mood you'd like to create . . .
I like pix that have hints of your sexuallity. I garment or cloth draped across a breast or torso perhaps a suggestion of a very trim "trim." If the face is to be cropped, showing a lovely sensual smile does wonders. Gorgeous legs, with hint at what might be ahead.

PS: I adore Meeshee's pic of you wearing the fedora, in the red bra and fishnets. I'd like to spend some time in between them.
Spread eagle no panties? Too obvious?
Spread eagle no panties? Too obvious? Originally Posted by anova444
Don't be so sarcastic. They've sold a lot of pics over the years. No different than a buxom blond at a car show to sell cars she knows nothing about. (Guys are sooooo easy.)
Spread eagle no panties? Too obvious? Originally Posted by anova444
I'm having trouble visualizing that pose. Do you have a picture you can show me?
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-26-2010, 09:12 AM
Try to let us have a glimpse of your personality as well your body. For those where personality matters it can make a real difference.
Charlie Drake's Avatar
Scott has done some fantastic erotic photo's of providers and non-providers.

Here's a link to his web-site: http://www.scottchurch.net/

And here is a link to a provider that he has photographed: http://www.carmenclimaxplaydate.com/ and another http://www.taylortrashplaydate.com/ and another http://www.crissycreamplaydate.com/

Gives you a great idea of his talents
I've shot with Scott and he is good at what he does. I'll be shooting with Meeshee next month.

I've found a lot of gents to like photos that exude sexuality, but do not show everything. For a year and a half, I only posted fully clothed shots, and business has been good. I peaked my nipples out in one shot once just because I think they are beautiful.

I enjoy looking at women too, and I most prefer photos where she has some clothes on, laughing or drinking coffee, showing her personality. And then a lingerie shot, but I do not enjoy completely naked unless you want the photo to convey that you're just a piece of ass.

That's what I like...and I know I'm not a man, but I hope it helps.
Speaking of nice photos, your avatar picture is really beautiful.

I've shot with Scott and he is good at what he does. I'll be shooting with Meeshee next month.

I've found a lot of gents to like photos that exude sexuality, but do not show everything. For a year and a half, I only posted fully clothed shots, and business has been good. I peaked my nipples out in one shot once just because I think they are beautiful.

I enjoy looking at women too, and I most prefer photos where she has some clothes on, laughing or drinking coffee, showing her personality. And then a lingerie shot, but I do not enjoy completely naked unless you want the photo to convey that you're just a piece of ass.

That's what I like...and I know I'm not a man, but I hope it helps. Originally Posted by GiamarieLynn