Help with France providers?

OK, I know this is the German board, but there does not seem to be a board for France, and I am traveling to Nice, France. Does anyone know any agencies or how to find providers for that city... or any city on the French Riviera. This is so weird, I thought I would find many contacts, but so far almost none. Thanks for any help.
Squarenot's Avatar
I lived there for too many years. France is different, indeed.
In my experience there is not too much of the traditional mongering scene. Here is my take: A very high percentage of Frenchmen maintain mistresses. Sometimes more than one. This is appears to be true along all social/economic strata and has no doubt been going on for hundreds of years. The mistresses seem to be fairly fidel to their men, but will stray for the right guy, especially if she thinks he is marriage material or interesting in some other manner. This situation tends to lock up both the demand for strange poon as the men are generally happy, but also the supply, resulting in a pretty meager monger scene. There are escort agencies, but most are way overpriced and I would not bother.

Nevertheless, assuming you are American, you can do well in Nice. Age does not seem to matter too much. Act a bit arrogant and be a little aggressive. Most French women seem to like this sort of behavior and they tend to love American men. Where ever you are, simply approach any woman that fancies you. Compliment her on anything...her ass, breasts, eyes, shoes,....anything, then offer a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. Be a little persistent. If she likes you and is available, she will join you or give you her telephone number. Turn on the charm and let the compliments flow. Try this and tell me how you fared. If you approach no more than 7 - 10 women in this manner, I'll bet you have success and it will only cost you the price of a few coffees, glasses of wine, dinners, etc.
Bon appetite et bon chance.
Ditto Squarenot. There are plenty of shops and cafes along the Champs Elysses where gorgeous ladies hang out. If you have game, it will be hard to come up empty. Simply start a conversation and ask about good dining. They will gladly help. Offer to have them join you for dinner. Beware of the escort agencies since many of them are Russian mob run. Night clubs have lots of trannies and gays. Happy hunting!