this is the kind of attention that this hobby really doesnt need. and just because its going on in b.r. doesnt mean that le in nola is talking to there buddies in b.r. this lil fight should never have been this public. i dont care how you look at it, le is going to go ape shit, because it looks like pimps and hos are running wildand fighting in the street. and please dont thinl that le is going to have egg on there face for too long. please for the sake of us who are trying to fly utr, knock this shit off
********** Ella's Response to the Accusations ********* - 19
posted: March 18, 2010, 10:50 PM
As every Elf and Hobbyist knows, I have taken over affairs regarding the Elfs in the Baton Rouge area. Last time I checked, I'm a provider not a pimp. But you know how it goes when a girl breaks up with her ex... they go all psycho and try to hurt them. Who can blame them with the girls we've got? I just wanted to assure all of our friends that with such a strong group there will always be people who are jealous, or want to hurt our business, or god forbid hurt us. It'll take a lot more than some wrong information posted on backpage to bring us down, or to affect any of you. Oh, and by the way honey.... it's sugAR daddy... not suger. Every ELF knows that Thanks to everybody for putting up with this horse