Kate Beckinsale, Judy Greer "In my vagina" video

This is fucking hilarious..

In my Vagina..!
Kate Beckinsale is a fuckking Englishman of landed gentry...hardly qualified to make political snipes at Americans.

Another entitled celebrity who should shut the fuck up.
oglfp12's Avatar
Outstandingly funny. Although not explicitly stated in the video, it is clear that they are delighted to have Rick Perry and the Texas legislature in their vagina! Let women control their own bodies--HELL NO!
joe bloe's Avatar
Democrats are the party partial birth abortion and infanticide. Obama approves of killing newborn babies and the Democrats love him. The left is evil.

BigLouie's Avatar
Kate Beckinsale is a fuckking Englishman of landed gentry...hardly qualified to make political snipes at Americans.

Another entitled celebrity who should shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Ah a typical conservative attitude. Hey you moron she was hired as an actress, she is not voicing her opinion as a private person.

Whirlaway are you really that stupid that you cannot tell the difference between a spoof ad in which actresses where hired to play parts and actresses voicing their personal opinion? Well are you punk.
No fucking kidding BigLooser: it is a dumb spoof (against culture conservatives)....which begs the question, why the producers would hire, and Kate Beckinsale would consider spoofing American culture and politics.

She is a wealthy foreign 1%-er who is poking fun at us Red State Americans who live in fly-over USA. She should shut the fuck up about our culture, our politics, and the people who live in our country. All I care about is seeing her tits and ass on the big screen; otherwise she is useless.

Beckinsale wasn't "acting" you fucking mooron; she believes the crap she spews about us. If she wants to mock someone I recommend she stick to her own country and countrymen - there is plenty of material in England for her to spoof.

Ah a typical conservative attitude. Hey you moron she was hired as an actress, she is not voicing her opinion as a private person.

Whirlaway are you really that stupid that you cannot tell the difference between a spoof ad in which actresses where hired to play parts and actresses voicing their personal opinion? Well are you punk. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Good grief Whirlaway get over yourself.. its a funny comedy clip. Comedians have been poking fun at politics for centuries. Maybe you should take a chill pill.. or better yet go get laid and calm the fuck down.
Good grief; are you that much dumb down. It is a political hit piece disguised as humor.

And Kate Beckinsale mocking American's who overwhelmingly favor pro life legislation is the joke....she is an A list celebrity who isn't even American.

And be honest; if you thought it was a comedy piece, then ask the mods to move it to the Comedy Corner !

But you won't, because you posted the vid to make political points, disguised as humor was just a 2-fer hit to you.
joe bloe's Avatar
Good grief; are you that much dumb down. It is a political hit piece disguised as humor.

And Kate Beckinsale mocking American's who overwhelmingly favor pro life legislation is the joke....she is an A list celebrity who isn't even American.

And be honest; if you thought it was a comedy piece, then ask the mods to move it to the Comedy Corner !

But you won't, because you posted the vid to make political points, disguised as humor was just a 2-fer hit to you. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Viciously attacking someone, and then pretending you meant no offense, is what psychologists call passive aggressive behavior; it's pathological, and in my opinion, cowardly.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Kate Beckinsale is a fuckking Englishwoman of landed gentry...hardly qualified to make political snipes at Americans.

Another entitled celebrity who should shut the fuck up. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
there corrected!