Question about appointments

I am still pretty new to the hobby. It works better for my schedule if I try to set up appointments a bit in advance, which I understand isn't the easiest for everyone. However, the last two times I have set up appointments a couple of weeks in advance (from the provider ads), the day of the appointment I have received an email that the provider was sick and had to cancel. The first time I took it at face value, but now I'm wondering if this is something that happens a lot? If so, I may have to find a different (better) way to set up my appointments in the future. Thoughts?

Obviously if they were both legitimately ill then that's a different story. I'm not mad at them or anything I just hate to keep setting these up and going through reference checks and stuff if many of them won't be kept. Thanks for any input.
Ya, I had one set up with a well known Omaha provider for a day or 2 then when came time for appointment I was told she had to cancel and wouldn't answer messages.
les123's Avatar
Yep, I had one set up last week and she cancelled. She did let me know days ahead of time she was sick so I think it was legit. Sometimes I wonder though with the last minute cancellation if they got a better offer or if they have a regular call on them? I don't really blame them for either case but it sucks to be on the other side. Part of the reason I don't like setting up appointments too far in advance.
livn2do's Avatar
Shit happens on both sides of the fence. If you are seeing or trying to see a legitimate, reputable provider and she has taken the time to screen you properly and thoroughly to ensure both her and your safety, you are not going to get bumped for a regular. While a reputable provider May have a little bit more wiggle room when it comes to regulars, she is not going to forsake the potential you becoming another regular for the sake of someone else, especially if you book in advance. Trust me on this, I've tried to get appointments bumped and if rarely if ever works. I don't know who the providers were that you had scheduled with and I really don't care but if they were reputable providers chances are it is nothing more then shity luck and they were legitimately ill.
timster's Avatar
This is just the nature of hobbying. It's secret. It's confidential. And shit happens.

But...on another note...I really really really want a provide to tell me when she's sick.
It is kind of hard to know what's gonna happen weeks before or a week before, life is unpredictable... I prefer a couple days maybe but don't really like more then that must cause some of us providers have kids, real world jobs, family's and so on, especially with holidays around every corner. Just be patient and try to confirm like 2 days or a day before so if she doesn't answer you can find someone else in time.
finman56's Avatar
I am like you, I have to plan way in advance. Life happens however. And Shayla is correct we all have personal lives that change daily. Hell it took me 4 tries over a 2 month span to see Shayla, but it eventually happened, and was worth it. Patience grasshopper. The good providers will go out of there way to make it work for you.
My luck has been similar. Car issues, having to leave town for real job. My last cancellation was due to a car accident on the way to my hotel. NC for almost 2 hours and she finally texted me that she did not have service in the ER. I do believe this was true as road conditions were pretty bad. The bad thing is that Herman Jr. is not very patient. So then he ends up guiding me to BP so he can still get a taste that night. I have ended up with a couple awesome finds because of that. But I have also ended up with some disappointments. So shit happens and life goes on.
Awe thank you baby!
I am like you, I have to plan way in advance. Life happens however. And Shayla is correct we all have personal lives that change daily. Hell it took me 4 tries over a 2 month span to see Shayla, but it eventually happened, and was worth it. Patience grasshopper. The good providers will go out of there way to make it work for you. Originally Posted by finman56