Chat nt the place !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not hide I have a daughter. I do not have an issue if she would like to do this. I support my kido in what she does and hopefully always. I do not believe chat is a place for another provider to bother me wanting me to hand her over to her to go work with her. This provider is nuts to think I will say here is my kido so she can make porn with you or work with you. If I tell you once leave me alone then out of respect please do. It is very unprofessional of another provider to think I or any mom would do that to our kid. Please dont ask me her name ( the other providers name)............... My last thought is this who really was wanting to know and want my daughter to work with them. Is it really a provider or someone she works with??????????????:d isgust1::d isgust1::d isgust1:
I agree TP. This is nuts!!
depends on how old she is..

if she's grown and a provider also... well that's to be determined.

if she's still just a kid that's stuff that perhaps you shouldn't share in chat.

I think people talk way too much about their personal lives in chat but that's just my perceptioin
Thank you angus for your reply. My kido is old enough to do this if she feels free too. The young provider started pming me and I looked at her profile seen she same age as my kido and I was like I have a daughter your age. Well she started in and would nt take no for an answer that my kido is not going to work with her doing porn or this. Like I said if she wants to do this I would support her if she wants to do almost anything I would support her. My point of this thread is this. I dont care who knows I have a 19 yr old kid. She is a great person. I do not feel it is professional of another provider to keep asking me for my daughter to work with her after I said No. I do nt get in chat to promote my daughter to do this or go work with anyone. Yes sometimes we all say things in chat or in everyday life out of chat we shouldnt but we are human. I am nt beating down a guy that was joking around about my kido. I expect men to ask me I have had men ask me and it didnt make me mad. I am talking about another provider asking me so she can find others to work with her and get bonuses.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
TP just ignore her. When she sends you a pm just delete it, do not even respond.
there's a block button too..

I'm not sure what the point is if you're not going to state who it was.

thanks for the info?
Luxury Daphne, I stated in the start of this thread I will nt state the girl's name and I am nt doing that to her. She is young and it may nt been her that was talking to me. I did block her. I did nt do this to try and ruin a girls name so sorry if you can not get the point of this thread. Try and have a good weekend.
Truly, not sure what happened but form the sound of it someone really stepped over a line. Sorry to hear this. Like stated above just ignore em.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
A lot of girls (or they appear to be) inquire about partnering up for numerous reasons and this is nothing new. OP you made it a point to say that chat isn't the place, would it have been more appropriate if it had been asked thru email or pm?

Do you think that starting this will actually make a difference? It sure will cause now everyone knows your story not just those in chat.
Weak....Oh and useless thread!
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Too much BS on Chat and it is Texascentric so I have little attraction to going there. Chat is what I do if I am bored out of my mind, and then I only stay a few minutes. Even with that said, one time I was jumped immediately by a girl who wanted to know why I didn't like her. I had never said one thing about her except to compliment the guy who did a review on her, and it was a positive review. WTF! I don't need that shit. Chat sucks!
To the ones that realize why this bothered me thanks a million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To the ones that think this is useless maybe when you in chat or anywhere ask yourself would a woman really pressure another woman for her daughter. If you want to know who said something to me then email me if nt then dont put me down for having a heart for my kido and no matter if it doing this or picky up trash. Sometimes keeping remarks to yourself is the best and maybe I should have done that too. Like, I said I am nt beating up any man for saying anything to me. Hope everyone has a great week and a safe one. Take care.
  • Rigin
  • 03-27-2012, 11:57 PM
The fact that you let others know you have a child and would support her in the hobby I think opens you up to Alot of situations you may find unsavory. I also find it disturbing that a mother would allow even support their child in this industry. Most parents scratch and claw to give their child afuture better/safer then their own. Just my opinion.
As a parent we are suppose to support our children and hope they make good choices in life. If you think this is such a bad place then maybe you are in the wrong place. I have asked the mods to close this thread. I hope you have a good day.