Do you have change for a $20 ????

Sweet N Little's Avatar
I came across a review (don't ask lol) ..
(the last comment)
And it got me to thinking since I never keep cash at my place, would you ask for change back if you did not have the correct amount?

Ladies have you had this happen?

pyramider's Avatar
Do you validate parking is also a good question.
  • GNG
  • 03-25-2012, 10:09 AM
There should be no question as to the rate prior to attending the session. I always have the correct amount available, plus a bit more stashed away for a potential tip should I feel it is deserved.

I don't need change.
I think to change this issue, all ASPs should just stop the $150, $250, $350, well you get the point. Just go with $160, $260, $360, etc. It puts any ASP or AMP in a dangerous spot to have to give change and expose 'where' your cash stash is. Notice, most AMPs, based on reviews, ads, etc. are $180 (iso $150, they skipped $160 and upcharged to $180 for their safety I'm ASSuming)...why the odd amounts? I never see a $150 ASP, not gonna happen, and I never give $250 it's always $260, etc. (and if she's awesome + tip)...just my 'Dick Thoughts'...
No I would never ask for change, it's usually only $10-20 not huge deal. However after multiple visits with the same provider you think she would take in to consideration the 50-60 bucks of overage she has collected from you if you were to show up short?

I doubt it.................
cumalot's Avatar
I think to change this issue, all ASPs should just stop the $150, $250, $350, well you get the point. Just go with $160, $260, $360, etc. It puts any ASP or AMP in a dangerous spot to have to give change and expose 'where' your cash stash is. Notice, most AMPs, based on reviews, ads, etc. are $180 (iso $150, they skipped $160 and upcharged to $180 for their safety I'm ASSuming)...why the odd amounts? I never see a $150 ASP, not gonna happen, and I never give $250 it's always $260, etc. (and if she's awesome + tip)...just my 'Dick Thoughts'... Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I agree mijo and it could be a way for them to assure themselves a tip by charging the odd amount, most guy won't ask for the 10 back...
lol, SNL you always find the funniest stuff on this site. But no, not asking for the $5 bucks here.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Is that a roll of quarters in your pocket? Or, are you just happy to see me?
Most clients pop by the ATM on the way to the appointment, but ATM's typically dispense amounts in $20 increments, so my rates on my most popular sessions are even amounts.

Only one of my rates is an odd number but I have a note on my website:

"Donations are expected prior to service. Please provide the correct gift amount, no change is available.

Before the appointment begins, please lay your gift in plain sight, no envelope. Tipping is appreciated, but NEVER expected.
Thank you!"
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 03-25-2012, 11:12 AM
Sorry, I have zero sympathy for a guy who plans so poorly that he can't get change. That sniffs like a BS excuse to me--if the $10 change is such a big deal to him then he needs to take care of it before he shows up.

Are we really talking about some guys being so cheap that they not only gripe about a 4% tip (on 250) but expect the lady involved to do their work for them? I bet a lot of the guys who ask for change would also moan and complain if the ladies rounded up their price to 260, 360, etc.

This one is mind boggling to me. The only two words I can think of are "cheap" and "lazy".
  • TCB
  • 03-25-2012, 11:24 AM
the only change I expect is when it changes from my hand to hers!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
To do that is completely tasteless. But it's happened to me. "Elisabeth ... do you have a ten"?

Shaking my head.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
if going to charge odd numbers. then should have change.

so make your rates that can be divided by 20
I just asure it is not an incriment of $20, I round up. Always seems to make the lady happy and if it were that big of a deal I would not see her.
geecue's Avatar
I came across a review (don't ask lol) ..
(the last comment)
And it got me to thinking since I never keep cash at my place, would you ask for change back if you did not have the correct amount?

Ladies have you had this happen?

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

This happened just this past Saturday, did not have exact change, did not even come across my mind if she had change. LOL figured it was a tip that and the diamond necklace I got for her. It was kind of a farewell appt. she is moving away at the end of the month.