What will 2017 Bring You

Ladies and Gents Alike

Since Melissa ask for 2016 I thought I would put it out for 2017.

What do you think 2017 will bring you or where do you think you will be?

It can be Real or Hobby related.

Let's see what we are asking for in 2017.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Well since you ask I'm hoping in 2017 to be able to pay more towards my house and pay it off before the payoff date. I'm hoping to save more money and be able to have a nice nest egg and some extra cushion for if something goes wrong at my home. I hope To still be working planning for retirement a few years down the line. I hope 2017 goes well for everyone. God bless
tornado82's Avatar
1. A higher-paying job
2. More money to spend on hobbying
3. A less dysfunctional family
More pussy.
More money and more money gets more pussy. The economy ought to start rocking and rolling like never since I reached legal age after inauguration day.
I fear 2017 will not be good for some people who do not know how to play nice...
Sad as it is,Now 2017 will only bring good fortune to those who spread goodness and love...

Spread the love...
australian_hell_yun's Avatar
2017. I hoping it provides more land for my ranch, more engineering consulting and less international travel.

Oh yeah--Annie if your reading this, I hope to win a drawing in 2017.
annie@christophers's Avatar
cameltoe101's Avatar
Hopefully work stay's busy. More free time. And Annie post on short notice Availability board.
Priscilla St. James's Avatar
HOME! 2017 will bring me home again...: nysmilie2:
More FUN, SEX, MONEY. Less drama.
DallasRain's Avatar
I want to spend more quality time with my lil 6 year old grandman.......take a vacation to Montana and Idaho to visit my 9 year old granddaughter I only saw once as a baby!........do some camping in Missouri....go to a biker rally in Illinois.......lose 8 pounds........grow my hair out instead of cutting it short.......paint my bedroom pink..........buy an old Chevy truck for "burnouts"........and of course have a great year in the hobby life!!!

Play hard~fuck harder!
I'm hoping for a lot more clients the end of 2o16 was dead for me, seems like sooo many of our members are going to back page instead of here but they come here to ask info on back page girls! I can't understand it cause we all know how sketchy that can be why not stay here and P411 with verified members and providers and not take chances that usually end up bad!
Pubman's Avatar
HOME! 2017 will bring me home again...: nysmilie2: Originally Posted by Priscilla St. James
Can't wait!
annie@christophers's Avatar