Cop or just a dumbass?

baloo6878's Avatar

Either there's a complete dumbass out there, or the pigs are trying to get a few dumbass men caught up. Either way, be safe everyone and I hope everyone has a great 2017!
gimme_that's Avatar
Could cops be so brazen as to list or say specific sexual stuff on what they do? Seems a bit much for even a cop to type. I thought the goal was for them to get you to say and ask for more descriptive sexual stuff with the exchange of money as the cherry on top......
DocHolyday's Avatar
I vote DUMB ASS!! As an added note, IMHO she won't be D&D free for long with that policy!!!
gimme_that's Avatar
She can't even put lotion on her ashey legs before snapping a pic for an ad. You really think she cares about her health?