2 Old Maids

This has to be read with a Southern Accent

There were 2 old maid sisters from the deep south.

One of the sisters decides to visit New York and on here return they discuss NY.

When she is asked about NY she says how different things are there,

Sis 1: There are men in NY who kiss other men on their private parts and they are called Homosexuals.
Sis 2: Why I do declare, I have never heard of such a thing!

Sis 1: Yes and there are women in NY who kiss other women on their private parts and they are called Lesbians.
Sis 2: You are just funnin me, I can't believe such a thing

Sis 1: Yes, and there are men who kiss women on their private parts as well.
Sis 2: Amazin and what are they called

Sis 1: Well after I caught my breath, I called him precious.