
The day after his wife disappeared in a boating vacation off Lake Verret , Boudreaux answered his door to find two grim-faced local sheriff.

"We know it's late, Boudreaux, but, man, we have some information about you wife," said one of the Cajun cops.

"Oh! Well, tell me! Did ya'll find her!?"

“Mais, we got some bad news, some good news, and den some really great news... What you wanna hear, first?"

Fearing the worst, Boudreaux said “Gimme me de bad news first."

"Well … I'm sorry to tell you, but this morning we found your wife's body in the water."

"Oh my God! I was afraid dat was so!" cried Boudreaux. Swallowing hard, he asked, "An what's the good news?"

"When we pull her up, she had 6 twenty-five pound blue crabs and 12 jumbo crawfish clinging to her."

"Well if dat's the good news, what be the great news???"

"We plan to pull her up again tomorrow."
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rotflmao! Originally Posted by DallasRain