Why 'some' married men hobby

rooster09's Avatar
There are always questions on here about how folks got started or why we hobby....here's a scenario:

So you head out during a day off with the kids and the SO. Nice walk in the park, brunch and a walk around downtown....30 minutes in and the complaining starts.

"don't let the kid run so far away. Let's get out of the sun. Why are we walking here? Keep your eyes on the kids! I'm thirsty. I'm tired. I gotta pee. Let's just go back to the park. The park is too crowded, let's just leave."

On and on and on. Meanwhile; children and father are having a great time.


A daily dose of the above equals a perfect reason for hobbying. An hour or more with a beautiful lady that doesn't complain, tends to a man needs and does it all with a smile makes everyday life that much more bearable and enables us to live through days such as this with a smile of our own.

Sorry for the little rant. Now back to the fun!
pyramider's Avatar
Well, I for one is happy you answered your own question.
Still Looking's Avatar
Vince Gill said it best:


Wait for the song beyond the proposal!

My favorite verse is: "It's hard to kiss the lips that have been chewing your ass all day long!

As lame as it may seem, I miss the passion!!! I always had it with my ATF, and it was a true GFE(or in both of my heads).
I like the lady that can make me feel excited just by talking to her, a kiss, a touch, then enjoy each other. Yes, I know, this is sex, but it is my fantasy, so I can imagine whatever I like