Does having a website make a difference to you gents?

I'm an established provider who will soon be touring several different cities in the next year and have never had a professional website done. That being said I wondered if it would make a difference in the number of gentlemen who would want to see me. I'm seriously considering getting one made, a tasteful, easy to navigate, elegant and classy site. I didn't get one done for the longest time because well...sometimes men don't read everything in my ad so I thought, would they take the time to read things in my website? But for touring, I thought it would be a very useful marketing tool to have. What do you think? Also opinions from ladies who have websites would be helpful too. Do you feel it makes a difference? It would certainly tell and reveal a lot more than just my simple ad would.
Naomi4u's Avatar
A website sets you apart from the rest IF you are original. A website unlike an AD is up 24/7. Any provider with business acumen knows that having a website will get her way more business.
...waitin' on your video clips on your site babe. Can't wait.
A well designed website is only as good as the escort behind it, but it does help alot!

There are lots of choices out there if you want to create a professional image without spending a small fortune.

Good luck!
  • Sami
  • 12-05-2011, 07:13 PM
I would agree with Zarah. For me it has made a difference now that I tour. The guys can go to my calender to see where I am. Their are a lot of guys that do read it.
Naomi4u's Avatar
OP, And just a little tip. When you do create your website: Do not create a flash website. Any web designer worth their salt will tell you that.

...waitin' on your video clips on your site babe. Can't wait. Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)

am-a-pleaser's Avatar
Yes and No. Some ladies keep their showcase short and link their websites for additional information. Other ladies have good showcases. I've seen ladies with websites, others without wesites, and some with out either.
OP, And just a little tip. When you do create your website: Do not create a flash website. Any web designer worth their salt will tell you that.

Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Thank goodness for mobile sites.
OP, And just a little tip. When you do create your website: Do not create a flash website. Any web designer worth their salt will tell you that.

Originally Posted by ZarahAdams

I am so technologically not with it...what IS a flash website? And thank you for the advice BTW Zarah.
pyramider's Avatar
And do not add music. Some fucktards actually look up or research from work. The music is a dead giveaway.
shorty's Avatar
If the website is done correctly, its a good marketing tool. I prefer a well laid out website over a generic flash website. Its also a good way to be discrete about contacting her in private. Now ladies, check your DAMN emails a couple of times a day and respond, if your using a website as your main source of info and booking.
London Rayne's Avatar
A website AND a Blackberry or Iphone to get emails on is imperative. I can't believe the number of guys who complain about providers taking DAYS to get back to they want the biz or not lol.

I will not say I make more money now vs. before I had a website, but I do find I have much better clients. I was cheaper back then so I had guys lining up, but not the ones I would brag about. Now, I see less people but prefer how they treat me better. I know ladies who have never had a website and do just fine, and others who could really use some lessons in marketing.
Soonerman12's Avatar
I've developed quite an eye for web designing and programming over the years, and I can you that it does make a huge difference. Years ago, I volunteered for a non-profit art school and made them a website completely from scratch. It costs them $3.00 a month to host it, $6.99 to buy the domain name.. $49 for the entire YEAR with taxes.

I thought it would be an interesting project and wanted to help out some children by showing them what a real website could do.

It took me one month, but I finished it up. Their enrollment quadrupled, they won all sorts of grants, became recognized for awards, ect. A precious well-done website is worth its weight in gold and advertising money.

Same goes for providers. Most of them have very simple websites but it works for this industry. It still increases their credibility exponentially. Most providers couldn't afford a top tier web developer, but they don't need it. Just having that space on the web helps significantly.
Soonerman12's Avatar
I am so technologically not with it...what IS a flash website? And thank you for the advice BTW Zarah. Originally Posted by alluringava
Flash is being deprecated in favor of HTML5, which has that functionality. If possible, always push for the newest and your site will be easier to upgrade later if you decide to use it for additional revenue.

HTML5 is what gives you that dynamic, look and feel, which seems to make a site come alive. For example, a rotating photo album, dynamic professional banners, streaming videos with pay per view, ect.

Here are a couple of sample sites in HTML5. You need Internet Explorer 9.0 to browse them.
Cpalmson's Avatar
A lady with a website sets herself apart from the "fly-by-night", BP girls. Nothing against just posting on ECCIE or other like boards, but boards are regional. Your own website is international. If you are reviewed on multiple sites, having your own webpage is a must. Now for some tips-- KISS (Keep it simple, stupid). I've seen a wide variety of websites for providers. Some gals go over board while other gals provide little if any information; however, for the most part, the vast majority of ladies have websites that offer the following:

1. Intro page-- keep it short. 1 page is enough to describe yourself and your services. I've seen some providers that go on for 2 or 3 pages of info AND expect the guy to know it frontwards and backwards before making contact.

2. Photos-tasteful photos are greatly appreciated. Keep to 10 or less. If more than 10, consider multiple "themed" galleries/picture folders. Also, full nudity is fine, but please don't go overboard with explicit photos. Finally, photos should not be deceptive in nature.

3. Services Offered-- some will contend you shouldn't put this on your site b/c it sets you up for possibly being targeted by LE. It is an individual decision; however, if you do put a list of services, don't be vague. Listing GFE as a service is meaningless b/c everybody interprets GFE their own way. If you list, be specific-- BBBJ, 69, MSOG, CG, RCG, Greek, etc. By doing this, you avoid a guy guessing as to what he's going to get for his $$$.

4. Rates-- pretty straight forward, but make sure your rates are consistent if you are advertising on multiple sites. For example, don't list 300/hr on your personal website and 350 on a site like ECCIE. That is just begging guys to ask questions about rates.

5. Contact Info-- please provide an e-mail address for contact. I, for one, DISLIKE those cookie cutter contact forms that come with certain sites. I know some ladies won't give their phone number, but if you feel comfortable with giving it out, do it.

6. FAQ-- Self explanatory but keep it short and sweet.

7. Calender-- I know some of the cookie cutter sites offer a calendar feature. If you put a calendar on your site, please use it. There's nothing more frustrating than to click on a provider's calendar page and find zero useful information. If you are going to have it, use it.