Odds on Trump's Impeachment

  • grean
  • 02-17-2017, 11:49 AM
Business Conflicts or Russian Collusion

Anyone wanna predict how long till he is impeached and removed from office?

I say within 2nd year if that.

Anyone think he will be impeached but remain in office?
Will Boner's Avatar
As long as Jeff Sessions is attorney general, and Republicans control House he will never be impeached.
  • grean
  • 02-17-2017, 11:57 AM
USAG has nothing to do with the process.
txexetoo's Avatar
Zero chance
I hope not. That is I hope he surprises allot of people and does a great job and fulfills his campaign promises, most notably the immigration problem and bringing manufacturing jobs back to America and I mean jobs back to America for us non immigrants. Something that bothers me about him is he is seeming to be pathological liar.
Something that bothers me about him is he is seeming to be pathological liar. Originally Posted by camero73

What can you say...he's a salesman. Those of us in that field of endeavor have been known to (on occasion) use numbers, stats, etc to make our points (and sales)...even if they're slight-to-mediocre exaggerations.

That said, no one's died from any of Trump's claims. Bet the families of the men (killed in the Benghazi attack) would like to make that same statement. But...of course....Hillary was completely truthful per those events...right.
  • grean
  • 02-17-2017, 01:14 PM
I hope not. That is I hope he surprises allot of people and does a great job and fulfills his campaign promises, most notably the immigration problem and bringing manufacturing jobs back to America and I mean jobs back to America for us non immigrants. Something that bothers me about him is he is seeming to be pathological liar. Originally Posted by camero73
One can wish. However, I do not think he will do any of that. He used such a combative rhetoric during his whole campaign and made all those promises but no one ever really was able to engage him on the issues to see how he actually intended to do any of those things.

I think he is really good at making book covers but thereis not anything inside the covers.

Now he cannot to get out of campaign mode and has yet, in my opinion anyway, to begin to even come close to "acting presidential", which he also promised that he would begin to do.

Would love to have seen a conservative like Rubio or even Jeb instead of Trump.
I agree with zero chance ..... if by some stroke of luck the libtards can accidentally stumble across an actual impeachable offense, the deck is stacked in his favor in Congress, and they are the ones who will decide ..... now some have said a handful of Republicans (McCain, maybe Ted Cruz et al ) would vote against him ..... but I think if it ever came to the moment of truth Congress would vote straight down party lines, all Republicans nay and all Demmycrats yay, just as the vote went during Clinton's impeachment, many were pissed off at his actions with Monica and the way he disrespected the office, but none of the Demmycrats voted for his impeachment .....
This level of discourse is why we have such fucked up ELECTED representatives.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 02-17-2017, 02:05 PM
I hope not. That is I hope he surprises allot of people and does a great job and fulfills his campaign promises, most notably the immigration problem and bringing manufacturing jobs back to America and I mean jobs back to America for us non immigrants. Something that bothers me about him is he is seeming to be pathological liar. Originally Posted by camero73
This. I hope he continues to improve our economy and continues to keep the campaign promises that you mention.

That said, his press secretary and twitter account are insanely unprofessional.
billw1032's Avatar
No chance until the midterm elections for sure. If, by some chance, the democrats take the house in the midterms then there is some chance they could dredge up some charge, but there is zero chance of removal from office because that takes two thirds vote in the senate.

That said, the democrats should learn from history that impeachment of Bill Clinton was a political loser for the Republicans. But the way their leadership is acting now and dragging the democrat party down the toilet, I wouldn't put any such shenanigans past them if they got control of the House.
mtabsw's Avatar
Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite.

-- Joseph de Maistre
I love hearing things like immigration problem. We are a nation of immigrants. Immigrants that have stolen the lands from the natives of America. One of our national symbols states "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

And we have the nerve to say immigrant problem. What would all of the amp guys do without the asain immigrants anyway.
One should school themselves on what an official may be impeached for and what the process is.

sirkul's Avatar
He's already in violation of the emoluments clause...and who knows how deep he is in with Russia. That is not going go away any time soon. Time will tell but it's not looking good for Donnie right now.