I thought this was funny

Wile E Coyote's Avatar
A guy goes into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender gives him the drink and they start chatting. The guy said, if I show you something amazing, will you let me have free drinks the rest of the night?

The bartender thinks for a minute and says, well it has to be really amazing for me to do that. The guy reaches down and gets a box with a 1 foot tall man and a tiny piano in it. The little man plays the piano with songs by Mozart and Chopin.

Stunned, the bartender says, yes you may have free drinks the rest of the night, but I have to ask, where did you get this? The guy said that there is a genie behind the building granting everyone that asks a free wish. Elated, the bartender quickly goes behind the building and asks for a wish.

All of the sudden, there was thousands upon thousands of quacks from ducks coming closer and closer. The bartender shoots in the bar as fast as he can and closes the doors. When he gets back behind the bar, the bartender says, that genie must be hard of hearing as I asked for a million bucks and I got a million ducks.

The guy replies, do you think I asked for a 12 inch pianist?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Bad jokes have consequences