Why I Oppose Barack Obama


Why I Oppose Barack Obama
John Hawkins | Oct 18, 2014

We keep hearing from liberals that people who oppose Barack Obama MUST feel that way because of racism. As if there couldn’t be another reason or for that matter, dozens of other reasons like…

· The IRS scandal

· Obamacare

· Fast and Furious

· Opening up the borders and illegally implementing the DREAM ACT

· Lying about being opposed to gay marriage in 2008 and then supporting it later

· Refusing to turn away flights from nations with Ebola

· Killing NASA’s manned space program

· Losing America’s AAA credit rating

· Helping radical Islamists take over in Libya and Egypt

· His obnoxious bowing to other world leaders

· His doing nothing of consequence to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons

· Cash-for-Clunkers

· Benghazi

· 1 out of every 5 Americans is on food stamps thanks to Obama

· Going to war multiple times without congressional approval

· Creating the rise of ISIS in Iraq by not leaving American troops there

· Losing the fight against ISIS

· Losing the war in Afghanistan

· He’s a gun grabber

· Illegally bypassing Congress many times with overreaching, unconstitutional executive orders

· Trading Taliban terrorists for deserter Bowe Bergdahl

· Wasting billions to bail out his union allies at General Motors and the now Italian owned Chrysler

· His nearly trillion dollar failed stimulus program

· Increasing the debt from $10.6 trillion when he took office to $17.8 trillion today

….and the sad thing is, this isn’t even remotely close to a comprehensive list of Obama’s scandals, corruptions, stupidities and lawlessness. It’s just that reciting the sheer number of poor decisions and bad policy choices that Obama has made would cause people to mentally check out, like they do when they’re trying to wrap their minds around the almost unimaginable size of the national debt.

In fact, other than not stopping SEAL Team 6 from killing Osama Bin Laden, conservatives have disagreed with Obama on almost every significant decision of his presidency. When it matters, he either does nothing when he needs to do something, does something when he should be doing nothing or just plain old does the worst thing possible.

To top it all off, Obama doesn’t have that frustrating naiveté of Jimmy Carter or that “Well, he might be a jackass, but he’d probably be fun to chat with over a burger” charm of Bill Clinton.

Obama is both shockingly incompetent AND toweringly arrogant. He’s both habitually ineffective and habitually condescending. The man lies as often as a professional con man, but is so used to having his bumbling excused that he’s not even good at lying.

Certainly Obama would be more tolerable if he were called out for his screw-ups by his supporters, but he’s like the stereotypical no-good rich kid who gets away with being a punk because his dad is wealthy and owns the only factory in town. There are liberals who support Obama because he’s a liberal. There are Democrats who support Obama because he’s a Democrat. There are black Americans who support him because he’s black. But, there’s almost no one giving any sort of defense of Obama based on his doing a good job or because he’s actually helping the country. In fact, there’s very little defense of Obama at all anymore; there are just attacks on his political enemies, bald faced lies that even his own supporters have trouble swallowing, and excuses.

Oh, and are there excuses.

“It’s George Bush’s fault! The Republicans won’t do what I want! Sarah Palin said this! Rush Limbaugh said that! The media doesn’t support me enough. We didn’t add more jobs because it was cold this winter!”

What exactly does Obama ever do right? Certainly not the economy since there are fewer Americans working today than the day he took office. How about the fight against ISIS which we’re currently losing? How’d the roll-out of Obamacare work out? Did everyone who liked his plan get to keep his plan? What do we have to show for all the money Obama spent on the stimulus? Did he ever get to the bottom of the IRS scandal?

On second thought, does Obama ever get to the bottom of ANY scandal? Nixon was a choirboy compared to Obama and if we’re being perfectly honest about it, the only reason Obama hasn’t been impeached is because Americans don’t want to impeach the first black President. For all the talk about “racism” that we’ve heard, Obama’s race has been his #1 asset. He was elected and re-elected despite not being qualified for the job because he is black, he’s been treated with kid gloves by the press even for a Democrat because he’s black and the only reason he’s avoiding impeachment at this point is because he’s black. That’s a pretty big comedown from the high hopes so many Americans had after the first black President was elected. Obama’s election was going to be the exclamation point that proved America had gotten beyond race and instead, it turned out that the Jackie Robinson of the Presidency was the worst player to ever walk on the field and it was easier for his fans to blame “racism” than admit it.

What it comes down to is that Obama isn’t just a blithering, bumbling Barney Fife without the charm. He’s dishonest, corrupt, narcissistic – and, no, he doesn’t “mean well.” He doesn’t seem to give a flat damn about the country, the American people or anything other than glorifying himself and his ideology. He’s a vainglorious bush leaguer who was never worthy of the presidency in the first place and who views the American people as his servants instead of viewing himself as a servant of the people. That makes him a bad President. That makes him dangerous. That makes him a bad guy.
Well said. Not much to add.
Obama was nominated and well funded for the reason of racism. Those backing his campaign with big corporate money and endorsement knew the average dumb down American voter would be willing to vote for Obama as to avoid being called racist. What's even more alarming in spite of Obamas gross negligence to uphold the laws and constitution of this country, which he gave an oath to he was voted in for a second term. It's been one thing after another with this president. The things that are happening in this country are happening by design, not accident.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Well said. Not much to add. Originally Posted by oleguy
I agree - but I will add, that is a great icon!!!
This is another reason Ocommieboy SUCKS.

Obama to allow 100,000 Haitians into America without a visa

October 18, 2014
By Rick Moran

Calling it "“an irresponsible overreach of the executive branch’s authority.," Senator Charles Grassley, ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, is criticizing an executive order issued by the president that would allow at least 100,000 Haitian nationals into the United States to be "reunited with their families."

“Which countries are next on President Obama’s list?” Mr. Grassley said. “Will there by medical screenings before entry? Will work permits be granted automatically? How will this affect American workers?”

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the branch of the Department of Homeland Security that handles immigration benefits cases, announced Friday the program to unite Haitians already living in the U.S. with family members abroad will ramp up in 2015.

At that time the State Department’s National Visa Center will begin notifying families who may be eligible to take part in the program. Those immigrants will allowed to apply for work permits while waiting for issuance of their permanent visas.

The agency said the program will expedite “safe, legal and orderly migration.”

A similar program that reunited Central American children with their parents had a fraud rate of about 70%.

“The rebuilding and development of a safe and economically strong Haiti is a priority for the United States. The Haitian Family Reunification Parole program promotes a fundamental underlying goal of our immigration system — family reunification,” said Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. “It also supports broader U.S. goals for Haiti’s reconstruction and development by providing the opportunity for certain eligible Haitians to safely and legally immigrate sooner to the United States.”

Roughly 100,000 Haitians already approved to come to the U.S. are currently awaiting visas, The Associated Press reported.

Mr. Grassley, whose Senate committee has jurisdiction over immigration policy, predicted the number of Haitians who would come to the U.S. under the program would likely exceed that estimate, calling it “likely just the beginning of the president’s unilateral and executive actions on immigration.”

“Parole is meant for humanitarian assistance on a case-by-case basis,” he said. “The president’s continued push to circumvent Congressional authority and ignore the rule of law sets a bad precedent for the future.”

Question: How do we "rebuild" the Haitian economy by bringing 100,000 of their citizens here?

Grassley is right. This is just the tip of the iceberg.While our attention is focused elsewhere on Ebola and ISIS, the president will bring hundreds of thousands of immigrants through the back door. Without congressional authorization, without congressional hearings on the impact on jobs for citizens, and announced on a Friday afternoon to insure minimal news coverage, the president has once again demonstrated his intention to rule by decree.

Calling it "“an irresponsible overreach of the executive branch’s authority.," Senator Charles Grassley, ranking Republican on the Judiciary Committee, is criticizing an executive order issued by the president that would allow at least 100,000 Haitian nationals into the United States to be "reunited with their families."

“Which countries are next on President Obama’s list?” Mr. Grassley said. “Will there by medical screenings before entry? Will work permits be granted automatically? How will this affect American workers?”

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the branch of the Department of Homeland Security that handles immigration benefits cases, announced Friday the program to unite Haitians already living in the U.S. with family members abroad will ramp up in 2015.

At that time the State Department’s National Visa Center will begin notifying families who may be eligible to take part in the program. Those immigrants will allowed to apply for work permits while waiting for issuance of their permanent visas.

The agency said the program will expedite “safe, legal and orderly migration.”

A similar program that reunited Central American children with their parents had a fraud rate of about 70%.

“The rebuilding and development of a safe and economically strong Haiti is a priority for the United States. The Haitian Family Reunification Parole program promotes a fundamental underlying goal of our immigration system — family reunification,” said Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. “It also supports broader U.S. goals for Haiti’s reconstruction and development by providing the opportunity for certain eligible Haitians to safely and legally immigrate sooner to the United States.”

Roughly 100,000 Haitians already approved to come to the U.S. are currently awaiting visas, The Associated Press reported.

Mr. Grassley, whose Senate committee has jurisdiction over immigration policy, predicted the number of Haitians who would come to the U.S. under the program would likely exceed that estimate, calling it “likely just the beginning of the president’s unilateral and executive actions on immigration.”

“Parole is meant for humanitarian assistance on a case-by-case basis,” he said. “The president’s continued push to circumvent Congressional authority and ignore the rule of law sets a bad precedent for the future.”

Question: How do we "rebuild" the Haitian economy by bringing 100,000 of their citizens here?

Grassley is right. This is just the tip of the iceberg.While our attention is focused elsewhere on Ebola and ISIS, the president will bring hundreds of thousands of immigrants through the back door. Without congressional authorization, without congressional hearings on the impact on jobs for citizens, and announced on a Friday afternoon to insure minimal news coverage, the president has once again demonstrated his intention to rule by decree.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/...#ixzz3GYMy9Z62
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Yssup Rider's Avatar
Spam Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

cowboy8055's Avatar
Well said. Not much to add. Originally Posted by oleguy
How about he wasn't qualified for the job in the first place.
How about he wasn't qualified for the job in the first place. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
He is nothing but a narcissistic, smarmy little Demagogue, whose only notable accomplishment is mastering the TelePrompter.

It is really a shame that the honor of being the first Black President of the United States was wasted on such a shallow little twerp.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
He is nothing but a narcissistic, smarmy little Demagogue, whose only notable accomplishment is mastering the TelePrompter.

It is really a shame that the honor of being the first Black President of the United States was wasted on such a shallow little twerp. Originally Posted by Jackie S
why is something have honor because you are the first, female/male/(insert color)?
Washington was the fist white president...
does it carry more weight cos he was white?

I don't know anything good Barack has done
Your forgot one.

While taking his victory lap after OBL was killed, he waved Seal Team 6 around like a bunch of pet monkeys to show off.

A few months later, Seal Team 6 was targeted in an ambush in Afghanistan, resulting in the worst loss of life the Seals have ever experienced in their history.

The timing was not a coincidence. There is a reason that it has never been the policy to reveal details of Seal team operations. Not the names of soldiers involved, nor even which Seal Team took part in an operation.

Obama and Biden, in their ignorance and arrogance, determined to show off and take credit for what Seals did, waved them around like a toy, and their stupidity cost 17 Seals their lives.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Your forgot one.

While taking his victory lap after OBL was killed, he waved Seal Team 6 around like a bunch of pet monkeys to show off.

A few months later, Seal Team 6 was targeted in an ambush in Afghanistan, resulting in the worst loss of life the Seals have ever experienced in their history.

The timing was not a coincidence. There is a reason that it has never been the policy to reveal details of Seal team operations. Not the names of soldiers involved, nor even which Seal Team took part in an operation.

Obama and Biden, in their ignorance and arrogance, determined to show off and take credit for what Seals did, waved them around like a toy, and their stupidity cost 17 Seals their lives. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Awwww come on, SOTF. You'd fuck him!
How about he wasn't qualified for the job in the first place. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Nobody is ultimately qualified to be president. all presidents throughout history made many mistakes. I think any of us can forgive a president for doing something in good faith that doesn't turn out quite as expected. In Obama's case he is doing things repeatedly by design that are detrimental to this country.
