GOP/Tea Party Threatens Another Government Shutdown

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Is this the kind of government we need?

"MSNBC: "Shutdown Fever" grips House Republicans
Sign the Petition: NO SHUTDOWN over immigration!
Debbie --

MSNBC reports that "shutdown fever" is gripping congressional Republicans as they "scramble" to respond to President Obama's immigration reform action ahead of a looming deadline to fund the government.

If the Tea Partiers in Congress get their way, the government will shut down - AGAIN - on December 11th.

America can't afford another shutdown: Tell Republicans to do their jobs and keep the government OPEN!

These threats are nothing more than a Tea Party temper-tantrum, but it would be a catastrophe for our country if Republicans follow through.

The fact of the matter is, Speaker Boehner and Republicans promised to block ANY vote on comprehensive immigration reform, and now they're hopping-mad that the President found a way around their obstruction.

But President Obama's challenge still stands: If Republicans don't like the President's immigration action, they should pass comprehensive reform to replace it - they should NOT shut down the government!

No more shutdowns! Tell Republicans to ditch the Tea Party and keep our government OPEN!


Kurt Fritts
National Political Director
Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
boardman's Avatar
MSNBC Reports?
Just which Republicans are threatening a shutdown?
What's going to get shut down? The fucking park service and Vietnam Memorial again?
If you read a credible news source or understood politics you would understand that it is not in the Republican's best interest to allow a shutdown, whatever that might be. You would also learn that they are working on legislation that would avoid it.
Try Reuters or the Wastington Post and not just the Op-Eds. You do know what an OP-Ed is, don't you? That's everything you see on MSNBC.
I don't know why I bother. You aren't going to respond intelligently anyway.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Deb, you mindless troll (someone has to tell her the truth), the is a difference between the GOP and the TEA Party that is becoming more pronounced everyday. If you can't understand that one thing then what good is your opinion.

Lets pick apart your statements (we're going to assume that they're yours and not copied off some website);
1. What was so wrong about the last shutdown? It has happened many times and the last time we actually cut spending across the board. People got their welfare checks, veterans got their pensions, and the only people that got hurt, got hurt on orders from the White House who was the real ones who caused the shutdown. Bob Woodward's book talked about how sequestration was the idea of Obama's people and how it was inevitable considering the set up by the democrats of not voting on any GOP legislation. No, the last shutdown was a good thing in most cases and I'll even give credit that it was Obama's idea (though he denies it now). By the way Deb, PEW polling says that the country blames both parties equally for the shutdown, 39%-39%.
2. The TEA Party only is about 60 members strong. How does 60 out of 435 cause a shutdown? Seems to me that the democrats could ride to the rescue if that is reallly what they want. But they don't because the democratic party is the one who really wants a shutdown.
3. Comprehensive Immigration reform? What does that look like exactly? Do you mean to accept what the Senate has put together as is? There is absolutely nothing in the Constitution that requires the House to do that. In fact, every indication says that the House should be the start of any immigration bill. The House is under no obligation to pass anything that comes from the lame duck Senate.

Deb, you mindless troll (do you mind if I keep calling you that?), you're cute, you're even beautiful but you don't give much thought to what you post (or paste). Please, a stupid woman is not as attractive as a smart woman. Remember what Abraham Lincoln said on the subject.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Yeah, that last "shutdown" really hurt the Republicans 10 months later... In the mid-term elections.

Hurt'em real bad.

The GOP would be smart to go toe-to-toe against Obama. He is one of the most failed presidents in our history. It can only help the GOP to take Obama on at every turn.

Yeah, that last "shutdown" really hurt the Republicans 10 months later... In the mid-term elections.

Hurt'em real bad. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-04-2014, 05:06 PM
Yeah, that last "shutdown" really hurt the Republicans 10 months later... In the mid-term elections.

Hurt'em real bad. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Ebola helped you gloating dumb fucks more than you will ever know....that and ISIS beheading. The GOP should send them a thank you note!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Ebola helped you gloating dumb fucks more than you will ever know....that and ISIS beheading. Originally Posted by WTF
Only in that the voters knew that the Republicans would know better how to handle both situations and the asshat in the White House.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-04-2014, 07:35 PM
Only in that the voters knew that the Republicans would know better how to handle both situations and the asshat in the White House. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Please tell me hoe Ebola could have been handled better.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Well, it certainly wouldn't be by shutting down the government.

(Or hijacking a thread.)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-04-2014, 08:55 PM
Well, it certainly wouldn't be by shutting down the government.

(Or hijacking a thread.) Originally Posted by gfejunkie
The voters were scared into voting a different party in based on unfounded fear of both Ebola and ISIS. Hell to be fair if the election were held right now it probably would have the same results what with Al Sharpton running around acting a fool.

Point being it was not the GOP victory you think it was just as 2008 was not the permanent victory many Dem's thought it was.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What's wrong with shutting down the government? I think it's a good thing. "Essential" services continue, and non-essential personnel and programs are suspended. This begs the question, "Why are taxpayers supporting non-essential personnel and programs?" Shut it down. See who doesn't show up, and send them their severance package. Then do it again, and again, and again until we have a manageable government responsive to the Constitution.
WTF has reduced Obama's failures to a single issue - Ebola!

Conveniently forgetting Obsmacare, the economy, Isil, Putin, the IRS, our debt, his lies, and a general sense that Obama is incompetent.
rioseco's Avatar
Calm and peace to you HMD, do not panic.
There will be no shut down unless your beloved President Dipshit wants one.
Do you not realize that H. DumbFuck Reid and your suit full of shit president have stalled everything in congress for 4 years ? Obama is a fucking liar when he said after the election that he looked forward to working with the GOP. Did you really hear what else he said. In everyday plain english he said "if they dont do what I want, then I will go it alone" Just like the illegal alien amnesty law that he penned. Wait maybe that will do some good. If 2/3 of them are hookers the prices maybe slashed, LOL !
Do not worry, your precious Commrade Obamenijihad will pick and choose all that you and the other sheep need to be content.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
COG and I agree.
I agree with both COG and 2Dogs..........shut the fucker down.