carnivore diet

chizzy's Avatar
anyone here ever been on this diet?

pretty much strictly beef with alittle pork,eggs and a small amount of cheese is allowed. its zero sugar and zero carbs

Ive been on it for almost 3 weeks and went from 238 down to 225

so the weight does drop but the one bad side effect is i cant take a shit........ ive been going 5 to 7 days without going and end up taking ducolax. had to do this all 3 weeks. it says it can take 30 days for your gut to get normal but im beginning to think I need to transition to keto which allows 30 to 40 grams of carbs per day to stay into ketosis

anyone have any experience with this?
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
anyone here ever been on this diet?

pretty much strictly beef with alittle pork,eggs and a small amount of cheese is allowed. its zero sugar and zero carbs

Ive been on it for almost 3 weeks and went from 238 down to 225

so the weight does drop but the one bad side effect is i cant take a shit........ ive been going 5 to 7 days without going and end up taking ducolax. had to do this all 3 weeks. it says it can take 30 days for your gut to get normal but im beginning to think I need to transition to keto which allows 30 to 40 grams of carbs per day to stay into ketosis

anyone have any experience with this? Originally Posted by chizzy
Yes, it’s basically a protein diet. The older you get, it can cause other problems. You truly need fruits and vegetables. Along with some fiber. E cerise is always a good idea. That goes without saying.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Fuck that, I agree with DG. Eat clean and run up rocky hills with a rucksack full of bricks. Drink a lot of water and sleep at least 6 hours. Your body needs carbs, not shitting is it telling you so.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Fuck that, I agree with DG. Eat clean and run up rocky hills with a rucksack full of bricks. Drink a lot of water and sleep at least 6 hours. Your body needs protein, not shitting is it telling you so. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Not everyone is physically capable of running g up hills with a rucksack full of bricks.

Exercise is the answer but it will be different for everyone.
bambino's Avatar
Fuck that, I agree with DG. Eat clean and run up rocky hills with a rucksack full of bricks. Drink a lot of water and sleep at least 6 hours. Your body needs protein, not shitting is it telling you so. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
If you ingest only protein, you won’t shit. Especially if you’re older. I know from experience. Just cut out processed foods and do some excersize. But do eat fruits and vegetables. Nuts too. My doctor wants me to be 180lbs. I told him I weighed that when I was 16. That’s not realistic. So I dumped him. I was 6/3, 265 listed as my last stats. I was 21. I’m 285 now. I would like to get to 240. But alcohol is empty calories. I’m not ready to cut back on that!!!!!!