Mary Marley

Bait and switch. She uses a few different ads. They are usually all grouped together. Look for the pattern. She is cute enough...but don't like false advertising.
BAIT and switch ...... guess it is appropriate for her to be on escortfish.
Escort fish is just a site that culls ads from all over. I’m not sure anyone actually posts ads on there.
She's on STG also.
There seems to be a group of 4-5 of them that show up on STG at the same time time every month or so, stay for about a week, and all disappear at the same time. She's one (or two) of them. Traveling together? Not sure but I'm not a big believer in coincidences. Btw, I've never had one of them respond to a text.
No good. Avoid.
I'm kind of hoping that one or more of them see this thread and decide to drop ABQ from their future itineraries because we're on to their shenanigans.