What is the opinion on here of the affect the Corona Virus may have on our beloved hobby?
My concern is with the AMP ladies. As we know there is a high turnover and rotation cycle with the ladies. Difficult to know when they arrived from China or Korea. Disease transmission routes are not entirely known at this time. As with any provider that appears ill, I will avoid contact. Be safe.
RainJ69's Avatar
As with any provider that appears ill, I will avoid contact. Be safe. Originally Posted by nmnewcomer
Sounds good in theory but many people who have the virus do NOT show symptoms for awhile, so looking out for anyone who “appears ill” makes no sense. I know some Abq AMP girls are freaked out over this. Business is slowing and virus is here
Thus, my comment that "the disease transmission routes are not known". There are a lot of unknowns about this disease process.
Just dont be an idiot AVOID amp's until this thing boils over. There are other options out there although I too prefer amp's but its just not worth it but then again theres guys on this forum that find out girls do bb and run to them to engage. Problem is if a moron wants to catch an STD it stays with him until sexual contact is made with coronavirus if the same moron decides to engage with and FOB AMP girl catches it then goes to is day job as manager somewhere he puts EVERYONE and risk. This virus is extremely contagious. The NY lawyer caught it from an AMP which is why NY amp's been getting raided like crazy
Sounds good in theory but many people who have the virus do NOT show symptoms for awhile, so looking out for anyone who “appears ill” makes no sense. I know some Abq AMP girls are freaked out over this. Business is slowing and virus is here Originally Posted by RainJ69
Has there been an official report of a case in NM? I love the hobby too but we have to be honest with ourselves do really think these women are getting health checks? Further more if a woman has a cough or the sniffles do you think she's going to call in that week ? Of course not! To be completely honest some women working the amp circuit could know 100% they're infected and it wouldn't change an thing they would continue to see clients until they're shipped to the next city.
Great discussion. I was also thinking in terms of traveling providers. Some of my favorites frequent ABQ on a “tour”. Wonder if that will slow down?
RainJ69's Avatar
Lots of talk on the other popular AMP websites about this. It’s only going to get worse (potentially MUCH worse) before it gets better. I’m tapping out for awhile. Best to take basic common sense precautions. Damn shame. Lots of AMP lovelies in our town.

I sure hope Susie is OK back home in China. Wonder if this will prevent her planned return in Spring. Originally Posted by abqspencer
Thanks for the link. I thought I had saw on the news this morning that there were no positive results of tested folks here YET. It is only a matter of time.

Seems like a bit of racial profiling in regards to the amps. Local amp girls that have been here a while and have not traveled back to there country should be safe, although if a new girl starts at their work place from Asia that may bring in a risk factor.

As of now I think the risk is very low if not nonexsistent.
RainJ69's Avatar
Definitely only a matter of time before it hits NM but I agree that the racial profiling is out of hand. The virus does not differentiate based on ethnicity.
Keep in mind too, this is basically another flu bug with a fancy name

Is it potentially deadly? Yes, but only slightly more than the regular flu at this point.

If you are generally healthy it shouldn’t be an issue.
jsem7k's Avatar
There seems to be one case report in Collin County today. Be safe everywhere, not just AMPs. Movies and any public gathering, till they get this under control.
Keep in mind too, this is basically another flu bug with a fancy name

Is it potentially deadly? Yes, but only slightly more than the regular flu at this point.

If you are generally healthy it shouldn’t be an issue. Originally Posted by abqspencer
Stop spreading misinformation without sources. This virus is 10-15x more deadly than the deadliest flu. 3 weeks Italy was fine now they are complete lockdown, would they do that for the flu? Do you have any idea how much $$ they're losing on tourism and everyday economics would they and or have they done that for the flu, of course not. Also anyone that is considered obese is at high risk obese in many cases is only 30-40lbs heavier than your target weight which is most working men over 40. What people do not realize is this is only the beginning this will get bad before it gets better. All it takes is one and it will spread and unfortunately as you can tell from this thread there are many weak links in our community chain smh
Nope. This isn't like the flu. 10149 confirmed cases in Italy as of today with 631 deaths. That's a mortality rate of 6.2%...far above WHO's stated 3.4%...and off the charts with Trump's Wrong and misleading less than 1%. This morning one health expert said that the US was about 15 days behind Italy.