Was curious about AMP??

What the title says. I’ve never been nor tried a AMP. Can anyone who has gone to them help me out? I am very interested in trying it out. Giving me tips on what to do or what to say. How do I know what signal to give??

Can you please PM me thanks!! -D
Most are closed for the time being. You'll want to check back in when the COVID-19 blows over
There's a thread on the Main forum..somewhere. I can't find it right now. But Google is your friend. I found the following that could be of assistance. https://tuscl.net/article.php?id=704
Most are $40 for hhr and $60 for hr.

Tip is negotiated for extras. Typically you're safe bring the above plus $100 with you. Anywhere from $40 to the full $100 should get you what you're looking for.

As for signal, on the flip you'll know. Actually you'll know before the flip if you're good to go.
It can be trying for the layman to comminicate with the asian ladies. Ghere is definitely a language and culture gap. Just smile and be direct. For me its worth it as I have had mindblowing experiences. They seem more GFE to me as well.
Oh and thank god for wechat during tbese closures. Private appts are fantastic
Be friendly and smile. Treat them as people and ladies. This part is hard, but don’t be shy. They see naked men all day long, and this is business for them. Nothing you want them to do will surprise them. If they say no, respect their decision. It’s not a reflection on you.
Good lord. Freaking stop going to amps right now. There’s a serious health emergency. Stay home. It’ll blow over faster if we stay home
joyote's Avatar
hey & Why spill our guts in such a public forum?

you want to bring heat?
Thanks for the tips everyone. Yes I know the health emergency is happening. I just wanted to know how to. For now I am waiting for this COVID to pass.