If busted for prostitution in Texas, can they seize the car you drove in?

DocHolyday's Avatar
It's naive to think that LE can't do something because it's beyond what the law says. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
This statement by SJ is absolutely on point!!!

I do want to clarify one thing SJ has stated. After LE has made an arrest and impounded the vehicle, it is the decison of the prosecutor's office to follow up filing an asset forfeiture action in Civil court, NOT in Criminal court. It is NOT LE's decision to file or not file the asset forfeiture action. That decision lies SOLELY with the prosecutor!!

SJ, carry on Sir. You are doing a fine job bring light to those in legal darkness. The sad part is you have these Judge Judy law school graduates on here who want to argue with you. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!

It's why I pretty much stopped giving legal opinions on subjects.