The Flynn timeline -- three weeks of espionage? Innocent?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Twitler reached out to Putin through Flynn.

He and Bannon think the apocalypse is imminent and want Russia to help them turn the Middle East -- ALL the Middle East -- into a nuclear wasteland.

Here's how it went down:

The Flynn-Russia phone call: How it unfolded
12/29/2016: US announces new sanctions against Russia. Michael Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak speak on the phone.

1/15/2017: The Washington Post first reports on the call. Vice President Mike Pence says Flynn didn't discuss sanctions.

1/16: Trump officials say the call was focused on scheduling a call between Trump and Putin.

1/23: US officials say investigators are scrutinizing several calls between Flynn and Russia's ambassador. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer says Flynn told him that sanctions were not discussed on the calls.

2/10: An aide close to Flynn says he can not rule out that Flynn spoke about sanctions on the call.

2/10: Trump says he is unaware of reports that Flynn may have spoken about sanctions during the calls and says he will "look into that."

2/10: A US official confirms that Flynn and Kislyak did speak about sanctions, among other matters.

2/12: White House policy director Stephen Miller says: "I don't have any information one way or another to add anything to the conversation."

2/13: Russia again denies all allegations to CNN: "We have already said there haven't been any."

2/13: Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the President, says in an interview with MSNBC: "General Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president."

2/13: About an hour later, Spicer says Trump is "evaluating the situation."

2/13: Flynn resigns a few hours later.

Now is when you deny this and start talking about fags and cocks.

Have at it. The TRUTH was always there in plain sight.

Twitler reached out to Putin through Flynn.

He and Bannon think the apocalypse is imminent and want Russia to help them turn the Middle East -- ALL the Middle East -- into a nuclear wasteland.

Here's how it went down:

The Flynn-Russia phone call: How it unfolded
12/29/2016: US announces new sanctions against Russia. Michael Flynn and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak speak on the phone.

1/15/2017: The Washington Post first reports on the call. Vice President Mike Pence says Flynn didn't discuss sanctions.

1/16: Trump officials say the call was focused on scheduling a call between Trump and Putin.

1/23: US officials say investigators are scrutinizing several calls between Flynn and Russia's ambassador. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer says Flynn told him that sanctions were not discussed on the calls.

2/10: An aide close to Flynn says he can not rule out that Flynn spoke about sanctions on the call.

2/10: Trump says he is unaware of reports that Flynn may have spoken about sanctions during the calls and says he will "look into that."

2/10: A US official confirms that Flynn and Kislyak did speak about sanctions, among other matters.

2/12: White House policy director Stephen Miller says: "I don't have any information one way or another to add anything to the conversation."

2/13: Russia again denies all allegations to CNN: "We have already said there haven't been any."

2/13: Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the President, says in an interview with MSNBC: "General Flynn does enjoy the full confidence of the president."

2/13: About an hour later, Spicer says Trump is "evaluating the situation."

2/13: Flynn resigns a few hours later.

Now is when you deny this and start talking about fags and cocks.

Have at it. The TRUTH was always there in plain sight.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Explain what Flynn specifically did that constitutes espionage.

President Trump has always rewarded those who are loyal to him. General Flynn was with him all the way, he got the big job he wanted.

President Trump has also had a history of firing anybody who gets in the way of profits, or in this case, in the way of getting his agenda passed.

General Flynn fucked up. He knew it.

He's gone.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Espionage???? Where the hell did you come up with that?

This is supposed to be a violation of a 200 year old law called the Logan Act. Someone didn't want the opposition party cutting deals with foreign powers back when it took a month to cross the Atlantic.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Maybe we should change the law since we can now get across the Atlantic in less than a month, eh? Now that it's SO much easier to share secrets with foreign operatives, we need to eliminate the laws prohibiting such things, right, JDrunk?

Maybe you're right. Maybe you know what was said. Flynn apparently wasn't willing to give it up to VPOTUS. Did he leak it to you, JDrunk?

Twitler had to be convinced to ax Flynn. Just a few hours earlier, Kellyanne the Con proudly proclaimed that Twitler had "full confidence" in Flynn. What do you suppose it took for Twitler to do an about face so quickly?

Maybe someone showed him a new poll? Did Alec Baldwin share next week's SNL skit? K-Mart drop Ivanka's merch? Or was it something actually relevant?

Maybe Bannon told him that Putin wasn't happy with Flynn? Maybe -- and I believe this is the probable scenario -- Twitler threw Flynn under the bus as a sacrificial lamb to cover his deep and conspiratorial ties to Putin and Russia.

The "dishonest media" and the people of America (give or take 3-5 million) will rip this gaping asshole apart.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
As Obama was issuing sanctions Flynn was told by Trump to let them know they would reverse the sanctions from Obama. Its the only reason Putin didnt respond at all to the sanctions because he knew he had a wink and nod agreement from Trump through his proxy which was Flynn.

Ive said it before Trump is Putins puppet and God help America...hopefully This is the beggining of scandal after scandal...serves Trump voters right. They will all be subjegated to Putin soon..these idiots thinking Trump was pro American when its clear he's pro Russian to the detrimemt of American society.
StandinStraight's Avatar
President Trump has always rewarded those who are loyal to him. General Flynn was with him all the way, he got the big job he wanted.

President Trump has also had a history of firing anybody who gets in the way of profits, or in this case, in the way of getting his agenda passed.

General Flynn fucked up. He knew it.

He's gone. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh my Jackie you are so hopeful that Flynn is gone and that's it! No no no it is only the beginning! Soon it will be known that Flynn and Trump and Bannon and Miller and Manafort all conspired with Russia to sabatoge Hillary Clinton. His presidency will end in scandal and disgrace! You will have voted for the worst president who lasted the least amount of time in our countries history, congratulations!
I've said it before.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You've said so much in this forum that's nothing more than biased conjecture and speculation, it's impossible to discern truth from fiction with you. Fueled by race-baiting opinions and allegations, your credibility here has been greatly compromised. Honestly, you've nothing left but to leave Icky...permanently.
LexusLover's Avatar
If Flynn said anything it was probably something like ...

"Wait until after the elections so we can be more flexible."

Oh, wait! The elections were over!!! Trump had WON!!!!!

Obmainable was what is usually called a "lame duck," but he'd been "lame" for almost 8 years!!!! No big deal!

So Flynn probably said:

"Wait until the Boss is sworn and he can be more flexible!"
Oh my Jackie you are so hopeful that Flynn is gone and that's it! No no no it is only the beginning! Soon it will be known that Flynn and Trump and Bannon and Miller and Manafort all conspired with Russia to sabatoge Hillary Clinton. His presidency will end in scandal and disgrace! You will have voted for the worst president who lasted the least amount of time in our countries history, congratulations! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

God, you are really fucking stupid.

Did you ever go to class while in school? You compound your weak intelligence multi-fold: idiotic posts slammed with poor sentence / paragraph structure, a multitude of fifth-grade level grammar mistakes, terrible spelling and rarely zero attention to proper use of punctuation.

Let me were out protesting for your rights to wear a Pussy Cap and dream aloud of blowing up the WH, right, Nutless?

countries: more than one (noun, plural)

country's: (adjective / possessive); ie: our country's history...

Not to mention you misspelled sabotage....

Spellcheck, twit.
StandinStraight's Avatar
If Flynn said anything it was probably something like ...

"Wait until after the elections so we can be more flexible."

Oh, wait! The elections were over!!! Trump had WON!!!!!

Obmainable was what is usually called a "lame duck," but he'd been "lame" for almost 8 years!!!! No big deal!

So Flynn probably said:

"Wait until the Boss is sworn and he can be more flexible!" Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, more likely the Russian ambassador spoke first and said "tell mr Trump than unless he does exactly what we tell him to do we will release the pee tape! He must win the election and remove our sanctions!

To which Flynn replied:
"Tell Mr Putin that Mr Trump will do whatever he is told just don't release the pee tape! We will remove the sanctions just help us win the election! We need you to sabotage Hillary please!
LexusLover's Avatar
Explain what Flynn specifically did that constitutes espionage.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Hey, AssWipe can't even read a map of the City of Austin where he lives!

You're asking way too much of him!
LexusLover's Avatar
No, more likely the Russian ambassador spoke first and said "tell mr Trump than unless he does exactly what we tell him to do we will release the pee tape! He must win the election and remove our sanctions!

To which Flynn replied:
"Tell Mr Putin that Mr Trump will do whatever he is told just don't release the pee tape! We will remove the sanctions just help us win the election! We need you to sabotage Hillary please! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
I guess you got all twisted and pissed off when Obaminable was making love to Putin before the 2012 election... right? Is Obaminable reaching for his junk? Or just trying to hold hands?

You really ought to stay on the bench, we don't even need water!
Hey, AssWipe can't even read a map of the City of Austin where he lives!

You're asking way too much of him! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I know, that's why he'll never respond with a reply that makes sense. besides he doesn't know what espionage even is. None of these jackasses do.

LexusLover's Avatar
God, you are really fucking stupid. Did you ever go to class while in school? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

Pussy Explaining 101.