Going Without

shorty's Avatar
How long can you Gents or Ladies go without having sex or masturbating?
Oh my goodness, we have been just talking about this in the OK forums!
London Rayne's Avatar
I went an entire year once and could do it again if I wanted to. Sex is not the end all/be all when it comes to my life. It's enjoyable but without real intimacy that you cannot buy, it's not nearly as good. Honestly, skydiving is about the same rush for me and I do that every chance I get.
Longer than I care for... I equate it to being a sex camel. LOL
2 days max
abdclub's Avatar
I once went 5 years when I was married (unfortunately not a joke)!
shorty's Avatar
London. . . Damn!! That was one lucky guy after your year long break! Why jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Bet that does wonders on your hair and makeup!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
Without sex -- 28 years
Without masturbating -- 3 months
i always admire your brutal honesty it is refreshing. that being said you on occasion make note that sex is not that important to you and without commitment not important it makes it seem like what your doing is kinda a pain in the ass something you just as soon not do. other women on here seem to have the attitude hey i love this might as well get paid for it. it would seem in choosing one might lean towards someone who might actually or at leat pretend to enjoy the activities. just a thought.
I went an entire year once and could do it again if I wanted to. Sex is not the end all/be all when it comes to my life. It's enjoyable but without real intimacy that you cannot buy, it's not nearly as good. Honestly, skydiving is about the same rush for me and I do that every chance I get. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Naomi4u's Avatar
Without intimacy, sex is just sex. Any girl that says she's falls in love with every client that walks through the doors of her hotel/incall is lying. How can you fall in love/care for/make love to someone you don't know and you just met?

...........However, I know some damn good actresses I tell you (myself included ). How's that for honesty, love?

For those that I keep in contact with via email/phone/whatever.. that is another story. I have developed feelings for them.
For those that I keep in contact with via email/phone/whatever.. that is another story. I have developed feelings for them. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thanks for answering before I asked!!
How long can you Gents or Ladies go without having sex or masturbating? Originally Posted by shorty
Does that include the first 13 years of my life??
surtur's Avatar
Way too many years without sex...but I think only a week or so without masturbating. Masturbate daily, lol.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
No sex? Couple of weeks, month maybe. Masturbation? 2 days or so.
true_whatever's Avatar
Without sex -- few months

Without masturbating -- Depends on how long it's been since I've had sex. After I have sex, I can go several days without masturbating and be happy. After that, I do it daily. Not that I *have* to, but why not :P