Callie from Eros is a fake rob nc ns

I booked an oc with her she shows up, it’s fat, it’s ugly. She had another friend goes by Destiny. She used to go by Summer
She looks nothing like the pictures apparently Eros verified means nothing. I thought I used this site before but I might have misremembered. Anyway they only do hand jobs. I wasn’t feeling it. They pretended to go out to their car to get something but never came back. Whatever my imagination was better than that ugly beast
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Eros verified means nothing= ony thing this means is she gave her ID
EROS can't be sure that who shows up.
the red flag I see that she has no info about her on her BIO
No X Twitter, not a lot of info out there on her
Is this the same destiny you are referring?

If so, then she is fake af….dont even think about seeing her
Is this the same destiny you are referring?

If so, then she is fake af….dont even think about seeing her Originally Posted by sophie17
who can say. Probably a million slags go by that name.
dude you got off lucky. My Russian agency that i use here in DFW mentioned to me that they had contracted with those girls and they robbed the client. $, jewelry while the client went to the bathroom. Summer advertises as Danielle too on Eros.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
EROS stop leting providers have a Twitter X link
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
EROS is on Twitter X but no girl ads. Interesting.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
EROS is on Twitter X but no girl ads. Interesting. Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
Oh no ads on Twitter Now ? ,I haven't looked at EROS much that I have been off with my knee . Guess I better check it out.