Motorcycle Buddy Went Down Earlier Today

Danielle Reid's Avatar
A buddy of mine went down on his bike earlier today. An elderly lady pulled out in front of him causing him to lay his bike over. The bike slide into the car and both vehicles caught fire. Luckily he rolled away from the bike when he went down.

He was rushed to LR from the Sheratian area. From what I know his ankles are messed up and he has a fractured vertebrae. Road rashed to hell. He's in a LOT of pain. A lot of representative from different clubs showed up for support. I don't think he knew we were there, but his wife is a good friend of mine and she hugged me and thanked us for coming. She's holding it together a lot better than expected but hell she's a tough woman anyway.

He's ok, as in he's going to heal.
Wow!! Hope he has a speedy recovery. Glad it wasn't any worse than it was!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Wow!! Hope he has a speedy recovery. Glad it wasn't any worse than it was! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I ended up leaving once he started screaming out in pain. They couldn't do the MRI because he couldn't lay still long enough, and he's having trouble breathing due to bruised ribs so they can't put him to sleep for the test. So as of now he's just suffering until they can give him more meds
Damn I hate to hear this. I have prior experience with this and I hope he has a speedy recovery. Don't worry Danielle after spending over twenty years in the military I found pain like this can make you reflex on life choices. As long as there are no permanent long term injuries all he has is a good story to tell in the future. The one thing that I did keep from the military are tricks to deal with pain and cold. If you know a VET that made a couple of tours to the Sand Box get him in to talk to him. He can talk him into a better state.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
He was pretty fucked up to begin with. He had back problems before and would sometimes use a cane to walk. He always complained to be in pain when he woke up some mornings. Nothing unbarable but it still ruined his morning.

This is one of the reasons everyone is so worried about his injuries now. He fractured his L1 vertebrae. They are deciding how to handle it right now
I am sorry about your friend. That is one drawback on nice weather this time of year. I also rode my Harley yesterday as the weather was unseasonably warm. But the problem with this type of weather is cars don't see as many bikes as in the summer months so they tend to look right past them and not notice them as they are not looking for them. A lot of my friends don't ride through the winter months because of that. I ride all year if it is a warmer sunny day but I am just at a heightened awareness of driver during the winter for that reason. I hope your friend recovers quickly and sorry are going through this.
  • kman
  • 12-17-2015, 01:42 AM
I heard about the accident I hope he has a speedy recovery things like that makes you realize you have to enjoy each day you have
Danielle Reid's Avatar
After 7+ hours of surgery he is in recovery and doing ok for now
  • kman
  • 12-17-2015, 02:03 AM
Good deal glad to hear it
As an avid rider it's always bad to hear of a accident. A seven hour surgery is a major undertaking and it's good to hear that it went well and he is recovering. He's got a long road ahead of him.
Thanks for the update DR
Danielle Reid's Avatar
As an avid rider it's always bad to hear of a accident. A seven hour surgery is a major undertaking and it's good to hear that it went well and he is recovering. He's got a long road ahead of him.
Thanks for the update DR Originally Posted by Das Ficker
You're welcome. I'll keep this post updated until he is home from the hospital. I know most of the members won't care but I've known the guy for nearly 3 years, his wife helped me through a hard time and the club itself became family. I'm no longer associated with that club but they are still family.
I had a friend lay his down and rolled about 30 times, wore a halo for almost a year, two back surgeries, then 3 years later still riding. Good to hear he is doing ok.
  • kman
  • 12-17-2015, 06:46 PM
I understand DR when people are there for you they become brothers/family they may wear different colors but theres still a bond i wish him and his family the best in recovery
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I understand DR when people are there for you they become brothers/family they may wear different colors but theres still a bond i wish him and his family the best in recovery Originally Posted by kman
Thank you kman
Danielle Reid's Avatar
He's doing a lot better. Doc said everything is looking good and he was able to sit up for a little bit during physical therapy. Still a long road ahead but he's doing a lot better than the first night