In a video posted by the Daily Signal, Obama architect and known liar, Jonathan Gruber, admitted on camera back in October of 2013 that they wrote the Obamacare law in such a way to deceive the American people:
“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”
Gruber pointed out that if they had told the truth about Obamacare, it never would have passed.
“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO didn’t score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies.
…If you made it explicit that healthy people pay in [and] sick people get money it would not have passed.”
So they hide the fact that it’s a tax from the American people and from the CBO, but argue it’s a tax in order to win in the Supreme Court. That’s how bad people like Gruber and Obama wanted this bill, that they would do anything to pass it no matter how many lies they had to tell along the way.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Snick. Who calls a liar a liar and then lies about his lies?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Snick. Who calls a liar a liar and then lies about his lies?

LMAO Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Uh, that would be you, AssupRidee. That is how you won DATY two years in a row.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
brilliant statement Whiny. Maybe you or Shirleyturd can point out where tha story quotes "OBAMACARE ARCHITECT: OF COURSE WE LIED TO GET THE THING PASSED !"

Tick tock.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did you listen to the video, AssupRidee? No, of course you didn't. You're a Dipshit. You really need to take Obama's dick out of your mouth before you comment. You might not sound so stupid.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yes I did.

He doesn't say what is in Whir-LIE-turds headline. Not even close.

You sure obsess on duck sucking, glory Hole. Why?

Meanwhile, I stand by my request for the OP to produce the quote he made up for his headline.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since the Constitution only allows the House to craft tax law these is unconstitutional. If the GOP had the prerequisite balls then they would move to have this whole thing cancelled and move to impeach the Mad Boy-King.

(considering who I'm dealing with again....the use of the word Boy is not of a racial context but merely pointing out in a derogatory manner the lack of experience of the man who occupies the Oval Office.)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Since the Constitution only allows the House to craft tax law these is unconstitutional. If the GOP had the prerequisite balls then they would move to have this whole thing cancelled and move to impeach the Mad Boy-King.

(considering who I'm dealing with again....the use of the word Boy is not of a racial context but merely pointing out in a derogatory manner the lack of experience of the man who occupies the Oval Office.) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That you felt it necessary to justify your use of that term, then YES IT IS a derogatory and racist jab.

(considering who wrote it, that is, what the heck else would it be?)

You gotta hand it to them, when it comes to deception, the Dems are masters. Or maybe it's just plain ole smoke and mirrors.

The constantly denied that any of the "cost" in Obamacare were a tax. They called all of the monies to be paid anything but a tax. The rank and file had specific orders to NEVER utter the word Tax when talking about the ACA. The people bought it.

But then, when it comes before the Supreme Court, the Court says that Congress could not levy so called " fees", but stated that since Congress had the power to levy Taxes, just call all of those Fees Taxes. Wala, the law is indeed Constitutional because all of the fees are INDEED a tax. And since Congress has the power to levy taxes, all was hunky dory.

I suppose that could be the classic example of "having your cake, and eating it too".
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You gotta hand it to them, when it comes to deception, the Dems are masters. Or maybe it's just plain ole smoke and mirrors.

The constantly denied that any of the "cost" in Obamacare were a tax. They called all of the monies to be paid anything but a tax. The people bought it.

But then, when it comes before the Supreme Court, the Court says that the law is indeed Constitutional because all of the fees are INDEED a tax. And since Congress has the power to levy taxes, all was hunky dory.

I suppose that could be the classic example of "having your cake, and eating it too". Originally Posted by Jackie S
The thing of it is, they deceived their own supporters, too. Their supporters wanted free healthcare, and Obama found a way to force them to buy a high deductible policy instead. I'm not sure they expect their supporters to ever actually pay for this or anything else, and they may even intend to abandon the mandate forcing the purchasing of insurance, but they get to claim they provided health care for everyone when they just made them buy high deductible policies, which they could have done, anyway!
Maybe President Obama and his supporters are diabolical geniuses who are a step ahead of those of us who practice genteel political discourse on the interwebs.
You lying dumb fuck. There is NO QUOTE in the thread title.


Meanwhile, I stand by my request for the OP to produce the quote he made up for his headline. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It is clear Gruber is fessing up to the Obamacare deceptions; it confirms what we all knew. They lied to get the legislation passed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where does he say OF COURSE WE LIED??
Making shit up again aren't you?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-10-2014, 06:44 PM
If you dumb fucks are not smart enough to not know a fee is in fact a tax when the government charges it to you then no fucking wonder you think over half the country does not pay any taxes! Those fee's for your drivers license and state sales and property taxes are just fee's.

I B Hankering's Avatar
You gotta hand it to them, when it comes to deception, the Dems are masters. Or maybe it's just plain ole smoke and mirrors.

The constantly denied that any of the "cost" in Obamacare were a tax. They called all of the monies to be paid anything but a tax. The rank and file had specific orders to NEVER utter the word Tax when talking about the ACA. The people bought it.

But then, when it comes before the Supreme Court, the Court says that Congress could not levy so called " fees", but stated that since Congress had the power to levy Taxes, just call all of those Fees Taxes. Wala, the law is indeed Constitutional because all of the fees are INDEED a tax. And since Congress has the power to levy taxes, all was hunky dory.

I suppose that could be the classic example of "having your cake, and eating it too". Originally Posted by Jackie S

Odumbo's father, Barack Obama, Sr., was Luo. "Luo elders say 'Obama' ... is similar to the [Luo] word 'Obam' meaning 'crooked'"