What's your addiction?

I guess the first step is admitting
what your addiction is.

Hello my name is ~P
and I'm addicted to books.
EBRTiger's Avatar
I guess the first step is admitting
what your addiction is.

Hello my name is ~P
and I'm addicted to books. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
What genre do you like to read and what are you currently reading?
Book nut myself. I love the human experience and reading about interesting people. Am reading about the life of Aboriginal people in Austrailia now. They really got a shit deal out of all the indengenous poeples.
I like autobiographies and most any kind of history but especially books about Vietnam, WWII and the space program. I am also addicted to boobs, big, small, soft, hard, real, fake, young, old just about any boob you can imagine.
Old Gent, you might find it somewhat useful if tangential, or less political about the horrid mistreatment of Aboriginal people (which, of course, mirrors the ruthless injustices heaped on First Nation people all across the Americas, from Christopher Columbus onward)(after all, we share ruthless colonial history with Australia/NZ) to read Bruce Chatwin's final travel book, The Songlines, where he examines our human need to walk & migrate & to name the places we go. The Songlines might take you to some interesting origin stories at the roots of the human experience.
Seeking P, oops...lemme answer your question. When I was younger, I read fiction because I was curious to understand the intimacy of the human condition. And poetry, which remains a constant. However, as I got older and experienced more of the things fiction reveals about loss and tragedy, my attention turned to natural history books. I just read an unbelievably fascinating book about the history of the chicken that tied so many varied moments across History & in various cultures together!! I guess now that I understand how the heart breaks, I'm more interested in science & knowledge, and how this kaleidoscope of a world has combined under so many amazing twists of fate & ingenuity.

But I have some great novels begging me to read them again, or for the first time, but the time to plunge into the ocean f language that is a novel....that sheer amount of Time is harder & harder to catch....
My name is Melissa, and I am addicted to Music....I love Piano, and guitar. I love Alicia Keys and John Mayer...I could rock them all day.Sometimes I sit up in my bed and just jam when I can't sleep. Sometimes I get up and dance in my room when my favorite song comes on.

Puts me in my Happy Place!!
Then I will endeavor to broaden my horizons ShyTantra
Haven't started yet
By Mark Manson

NolaStarlett's Avatar
MUSIC, everything to do with it. so check out this amazing band ... http://reverbnation.com/slutrag
Hello...I'm Galadan...your friendly, neighborhood Cerebral Lech.

I am addicted to the many, many ladies of ECCIE.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am addicted to sex...lol

seriously,I am addicted to music..especially ACDC! Music is my happy place...when I am at home,I crank up the roku to extremes and sit on my front porch chillin & groovin......and when I am at home playing,I crank up ACDC in the bedroom!
Ravendog34's Avatar
Thats on my audio book list
justinator's Avatar
Golf. I love playing, watching,practicing but it's too damn hot!