Encounter: Audrina Lee was Wonderful

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Date: 8-4-20
Name: Audrina Lee
User ID:: https://eccie.net/member.php?u=141557
Phone: After screening
Email Address: audrinadallas1@protonmail.com
URL / Website: https://home.ourhome2.net/member.php?55264-Audrina-Lee
City: Plano
State: Texas
Address: 121 and tollway
Hair Length and Color: Shoulder length Brunette
Age: 38
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Absolutely Beautiful. Great Smile curves in all the right places
Recommendation: Yes
  • Caleb
  • 09-11-2020, 01:03 PM
Most sensual, passionate provider I have met in the hobby!!
  • JROD
  • 09-11-2020, 03:16 PM
I visited AL a couple of years ago. She gave 110% for the entire session. She is a great lady!