Does "Last Day In Town" motivate you?

uparoundnoon's Avatar
I personally rarely see passing thru providers unless they are verified by one of the sites or have good reviews somewhere. Yet I notice that A LOT of girls ads put "Just 2 Days" or "Last Night Here" or "Leaving In The Morning" as if customers would think "Wow I can't put this off. I have to call tonight."

To me it always has the opposite affect. I put this in coed to get guys and girls thoughts. UNless a girl is regularly passing thru like some lately or is well known for years like Kinky Little Nikki then here's the 2 strikes against it for me. I always think that with most girls the motivation for giving a customer a REALLY great or even OVER the top service is she wants your repeat business. Number 2 (and this is mainly because I'm single but this could apply to guys with S.O.'s) is what if it really IS an incredible session? What if I'n jonesing for her the next day and ya se fue? That's 2 big strikes to me and would overcome any thought like "I've really been wanting to see her so I better call tonight?" or still it could be some one night stand fantasy or I'm basically just a one or two sample per girl customer anyway.So what difference does it make if she leaves SA for good.
Oh I dont know how it works when traveling as I dont travel often at all but I do know that when I am taking 2-3weeks off that I put that just to let people know that one I will be out of town for awhile and that if they try to contact me that the possibilities are slim because my phone isnt on me--but for me a lot of guys like that I put that so it reminds them that I am going out of town!
FootLong's Avatar
I totally agree with Uparoundnoon on this. When girls post that "one day only" and "last days before I leave" crap it is a big turn OFF for me. Especially the "I'm about to retire" routine. For the same reasons Up stated.

Of course it is different as Sara says when a local girl is going out of action for a while. I bet it sucks for them when they go out of town somewhere and they get calls for 'business' here...
sanantonioman37's Avatar
Same does nothing for me as far as providers passing thru. Now with locals thats different, in which case I would know she is out for how ever long she states and I will need to make may monthly visit before she leaves.
I speak only for myself on this. But when and if I am traveling, I start posting weeks in advance in the "provider's ad section" because it is what it is, an ad. Not all men on here read the ads every day or week. So it gives them the chance to catch the ad, and make a choice if he wants to see such lady. Some gents are happy to see a new face passing through, some obviously not. To each thier own, my 0.02 cents.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I think it depends on the provider and their reviews. On a sketchy provider it may have the effect of a 'Going out of Business' sale at a restaurant. Don't want to eat there. I've personally scheduled with a provider because I really wanted to see her and she was going out of town.
Well I definately know what not to do now guys, thanks! I rarely travel and placed an ad on short notice, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. To play the devil's advocate, I only have 2 days that I can stay, so that is the truth. BUT, I could definately see where that would be a turn off. I think that is a better way to do things, like you had mentioned Roxanne. Placing the ad weeks in advance. That makes more sense, but I am a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Nope. They typically have the opposite effect on me.
Comes across as a last minute binge.

The only last minute/rush type ads that motivate me are the "Its Almost Gone" ads.

There's nothing more disappointing than hesitating/not making the call, only to find;

"No More P#ssy. All Sold Out".

Those suck.


Mossman's Avatar
If we can agree that the thrust (excuse the innuendo) of the ad is to draw attention, then apparently it does that. I always thought it was more for past friends who might not want to miss her before she leaves. I guess the logic being if she has been here and I haven't seen her why would I want to see her because she's leaving. Just saying...
i no providers that post 1 week left or retiring ony 1 week left for 5 years lol or they retire and 2 weeks go by and they run a regular add like nothing happened LMAO

neg effect on me, i went for it once the girl generated so many calls i was rushed out in about 15 min guys where sitting in there cars out side , some 1 beat me to the appt so i had to sit in car 30 min etc etc. so HELL no
textodd11's Avatar
No effect for me. Good reviews, good looks and available when I am are what matters most when contacting someone I haven't seen before. When I'm hungry, I don't worry about the restaurants that are closed. I find one I like that IS open.

I rarely see a provider's ad and think "Oh wow! I've GOT to see her!" when I'm not in the mood to hobby. When she's available means little. It's when I'm available that is more important so just state when you're available and leave it at that. One provider's last day is another's first.
Interesting post!

I have to agree it with to, i post my "visiting ads". And when im gone, im gone. Until next time.

I can understand the replies in this ad. Good points in my opinion.
Usually my first response is thank goodness, be gone already (especially in the case of a certain California redhead). When my first ATF retired last December, I did not go see her when she posted her retirement (she did tell me in our last session her plans) and I moved on. To her roommate. Like textodd said, when I'm ready, I start hunting and the rest is just noise.
j.galt's Avatar
I tend to not be swayed by those types of ads. For me, its about finding quality and if she's only here temporarily then I really don't consider a visit for the reasons listed by UP. I tend to be a repeat offender with providers I really have a good time with...
Willen's Avatar
Like several other hobbyists in this thread, I rarely (basically, 'never') do 'spur of the moment' responses. But if somebody is coming and they have good reviews and/or I have a favorable impression from their posts, it's possible that I might take them up on short notice. So, ladies, if you fit that bill, for my part at least it does you no harm to post in this way.