Chat - quick view of who's logged on?

Braveheart's Avatar
Not sure if I am the only one who sometimes gets on Chat and either there is no one there OR the person we are looking for isn't.

Is it possible to add a feature that would allow the user to pass the mouse over the "Chat Tab" and the current users would be listed? Then, without logging on and sometimes abruptly logging off, the user could decide whether he or she wants to log on or not.

This would certainly save everyone in Chat from say "hi" and "Bye" in the same nanosecond it takes someone to log on, glance at the current user list, and go away again...

The feature already exists ....

Simply scroll all the way down to the bottom of the Home page, below the list of current users/members.

You will also find who's birthday it is, as well as the newest member who just joined.

See? You didn't look close enough.

Btw ...
Thanks Shea. I didn't know about that feature either. Very helpful.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Or maybe they're going invisible on they do when I log in. LOL. I kid. I kid.

Shea Veile answered the question. Send thanks and kisses her way. She deserves 'em.