International Section

Pokins's Avatar
Will there be a forum for International reviews?
Mexico,Costa Rica and Asian destinations??
Hey buddy. I think that is in the list.
Pokins's Avatar
What list ?
TBONE's Avatar
  • 01-15-2010, 07:44 PM
What list ? Originally Posted by Pokins
LOL- The ECCIE "Honey Do" list that Becky hands us EVERY day!
Pokins's Avatar
oh, that list. ok no problem
LOL- The ECCIE "Honey Do" list that Becky hands us EVERY day! Originally Posted by TBONE
Yeah Becky! Crack that whip baby!!!
Meiji's Avatar
  • Meiji
  • 01-29-2010, 11:26 PM
I second the request for an Int'l section! Thanks.
It's coming....
Here's a question...

Suppose we created a broad "International" category which included a discussion forum and a review would we set up the review forms? Would they be exactly like the current review form, or would they differ slightly? Looking for some suggestions.


St. C
dearhunter's Avatar
As I am in asia right guys are missing out.
Here's a question...

Suppose we created a broad "International" category which included a discussion forum and a review would we set up the review forms? Would they be exactly like the current review form, or would they differ slightly? Looking for some suggestions.


St. C Originally Posted by St.Christopher
I don't normally travel internationally. However, my suggestion is that the International Forum have subsets by continent (except for Antarctica). It seems to me to be a logical geographic division. I also think that there might be a part of the review form to describe unusual customs/practices common to the area and procedures in setting up the date that might be different than the US. Also, a section that describes general and specific services that might be available where they would not be available in the US.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This might be a too obvious suggestion but if it's going to be general "international" section then an area about certain language barriers or what language(s) were spoken by the escort and/or the agency which the client dealt with would be informative.

nycflyer's Avatar
how would we set up the review forms? Would they be exactly like the current review form, or would they differ slightly? Originally Posted by St.Christopher
My sense is that you would set them up the same way, with one possible exception that I did not think of, which is what Elisabeth mentions below about language.

Almost all sites outside the U.S, have a field for primary language or language/fluency (or since ECCIE is a U.S.-based site you can just click a box to indicate English fluency). This is incredibly helpful in regions of the world where English is one of many common languages (South Africa, Hong Kong) or where it is not the native tongue.

Thanks for asking.
Slow Poke's Avatar
The same format as the the US forums would be fine. The reviews are free form, and the reviewer can comment on aspects of the hobby that may be different locally than they are here. Some geographical subdivisions are essential, so you don't have to wade through European or South American reviews if your destination is Hong Kong. Over the years I reviewed dozens of providers in Venezuela on ASPD, and would love a place to do it here.