campaign fiancing reform

sue_nami's Avatar
The rich have bought our leaders, campaign fiance reform is long over due. Does anyone here support the status quo of the rich buying our elections? I feel the time is now to overturn citizens united. let's go back to being ruled by democracy not corporations.
endurance's Avatar
Right on - long long overdue. It has been whack a mole of bad governance - so bad that even overturning single issues as big as citizens united is not enough - they will just pass another one a few months later while protesters are fighting off the TPP or some other thing.

Sadly most people can't even pay attention to the simplest most obvious things that are wrong.

Despite the most corrupt governments ever between bush and obama (and of course the lame legislature and horrific supreme court) - we'll probably still end up with Jeb/Hillary as "choices" - and most voters will probably put incumbents back in.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
fiance reform is long over due. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Fiance reform? Jus' ask yer fiance ta sign a preee-nup-shoe-ull agreement. Either thar a-gonna sign it 'r thar a-gonna reform on down tha road an' try ta hook up wif sum utha sukkah!
I feel the time is now to overturn citizens united. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Yes. Well, not by the current Supreme Court, but eventually. Money is not speech. It's clout. No amount of legalistic logic-chopping can change that.